Year 0-1 - Awakening

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(Years: 0 + Months: 0)


That was the first thing she saw. A flutter came to her eyelids as she tried to open them. She felt the surface of whatever she was lying on sinking under her hand.

Her eyes began to open. Her vision was blurred at first, clearing as she saw a floor of...sand?

Her hearing started clearing up as the sound of sloshing became evident.

Her feet felt cold and soggy, covered in sand. She rose to her hands and knees, looking up to a truly confusing sight.

A large cluster of trees was before her, brushing against each-other in the wind. She slowly managed to rise up and look around, taking in the full scenery.

Behind her was a vast oceanic sight that seemed to go on forever. It connected to the floor, a beach where she hay lied a few seconds earlier.

And of course she saw a large forest scape that seemed like it could go on for miles.

Girl: I?

She asked herself this, digging Into her memory for any kind of recollection. But she froze as she realised something and asked herself.

Girl: Who...who am I?

Hard as she tried, she couldn't remember who she was. In desperation, she tried to look at her clothes, seeing if they'd spark any kind of memory.

No luck. Covered in sand from what must've been a long time on the floor, she had a short sleeved white T-shirt with some kind of squid symbol, a long sleeve underneath, A pair of cargo shorts and hard soled boots, all of them having tears and cuts.

A gust of wind went by, causing her hair to fly over her head. She looked curiously as she swept it away from her face. Why was her hair Orange?

???: Hello?! Is anyone their?!

Her eyes snapped open as she gasped. Was their another person here?

She immediately started to move quickly to where the sound came from, dashing across the beach. If their was someone else, their could be others that could help her.

She climbed over the piles of sand and a rock range, being greeted with the strangest sight.

Hiding as a means to observe, She saw another girl wandering the beach in a frantic manner. She had a blue jacket, long pants and short dark blue hair that blocked one of her light blue eyes. Having only socks, she assumed her shoes washed away.

She she kept watching, the sound of quickening water alerted her. As she snapped her head to the side, a giant tidal wave was washing towards the shore, right towards the oblivious girl.

Orange haired girl: LOOK OUT!!

Her voice only surprised and distracted the blue haired girl, leaving her as a sitting duck before the wave crashed on the shore.

She got alerted as the blue haired girl was caught in the wave and pushed back down onto the floor. Running from her watching place, she got close to the girl as she coughed and sputtered, her clothes drenched.

Orange haired girl: Hey, are you okay?!

The blue haired girl looked up at her, the two properly meeting eyes for the first time.

Both of them fell silent. The blue haired girl was locked onto the others brown eyes, same going for the other girl with her blue eyes.

Blue haired girl: I...I'm okay.

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