Year 6-7

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(Years: 6 + Months: 6)

The trees rustled as a small figure ran through the woods, laughing as they rolled through the dirt. The figure was Crystal.

She looked back, still barley able to see the village and her Mom's working on the fields in the back. This was the farthest she'd gone from them and home, her blood boiling for excitement.

Taking another step, the ground under her feet fell apart as she screeched, tumbling down the side of a small mountain.

Rolling into a ball, she reached the bottom with nothing more then a bruised elbow.

But as she got back up...


A snarl was heard next to her, sending a chill down her spine.

Turning her head, she looked to see a deadly monster looking at her. Yellow fur with black spots, claws that dug into the ground, sharp blood covered teeth and angry orange eyes. It took her a second to notice the dead bunny beneath its paw.

In fright, she couldn't breathe as she took a few steps back...

Crystal: N-nice Kitty...good kitty-


The monster didn't take a liking to her mere presence, pulling its feet back as it prepared to sprint. On instinct, it leapt and Crystal jumped out the way. Running in fright as it staggered back up, she called out in fright.


Her terrified cries reached past the woods, scaring a few birds into the sky and reaching the ears of Orange as she was putting some more seeds in the field.

She stood straight to her feet in an instant. The sound of a bucket hitting the floor made her look at Blue as she stood terrified, she heard it too.

Crystal ran faster as this monster came after her with even greater speed, her luck running out as she tripped and fell down, hitting her head.

As she regained her bearings, she looked right into the eyes of what looked like death itself, trying to shuffle back but to no avail.

Crystal: N-no, please!!


She cried out in pain as the monsters paw knocked her back into a tree, it's claws digging into her for only a brief moment.

The sharp teeth came just a few feet from her face, moving forward with an agape mouth to eat her as she screamed in horror. She closed her eyes and readied for the worst as it stretched forward to bite her-


The bite never came.

Crystal opened her eyes, looking up to a horrifying site of the monster's face frozen in a look of pain and shock, a sharp makeshift knife protruding from its neck.

From the side, Blue followed Orange close behind her as she had thrown her arm out. With her daughter just inches from death, she had thrown the knife in a sudden instinct she didn't know she had to save her.

The monster let out a few sputters and whimpers of pain before it collapsed on the floor...dead.

Crystal was still in shock, backed against the trees as her vision started to blur. Her chest ached and one touch of her clothes coated her hand in oozing red.

She heard her Moms panicked and rush over to Her before the entire world went dark.

(Years: 6 + Months: 8)


That's all she saw when she first became aware of everything properly.

Crystal grunted as she tried to open her eyes, her chest feeling sore. She sat up in her bed, the light burning her as she got a full look around the room.

She was back in her room, back in bed. She look under what appeared to be a brand new shirt for her, seeing three claw marked scars on her chest. Near her bedside was a bowl of soup, but it was cold as ice.

Her attention was drawn as Blue walked into the room, holding a new steaming bowl of soup.

Crystal: Momma?

Startled, she dropped the bowl. She looked at Crystal for awhile before running and kneeling down to hug her, bawling.

Crystal: Momma, what's...going on?

Blue: Shh, shh...I'm sorry Crystal, I'm so so sorry...

Orange walked in, looking curiously at the bowl of spilt soup.

Orange: Blue, what happened to-

She looked up, her eyes going wide.

Orange: Crystal!!

She ran over and hugged her family as she breathed a sigh of relief.

Orange: We were so worried! That thing hurt you and you were bleeding and...we weren't sure you were ever going to wake up!

They rambled on about their fears as Crystal started to recall the previous events. Remembering, tears filled her eyes as she hugged back.

It was tough...but she was alive.

(Years: 7 + Months: 0)

Orange sat up as she heard a strange noise from inside their home. As it steadily grew louder, she moved Blue's arm away from her and stepped out of bed.

The windows had a dull breeze as the sun was creeping over the clouds, barley at the break of dawn.

Orange stepped quietly down the stairs and tried to triangulate the noise, then figured out what it was.

Tossing and turning in her bed, Crystal whimpered as she mumbled.

Crystal:'t hurt me...

She got closer, trying to shake her awake gently.

Crystal: No, please...not Mommy, not!

She sprung awake in a scream and jumped forward as Orange grabbed her and stroked her face, trying to calm her.

Orange: Shh, shh. It's okay Crystal, it's okay. I'm here, your here, we're okay...

Her breathing slowed, holding her hand tightly as tears dripped from her face.

Orange: Did you have a nightmare?

Crystal: Uh Huh...

Orange: You wanna talk about it?

Crystal: It was...that thing...It attacked our home. I saw it attack you and...and Momma. I couldn't do anything and then...and then...

She sniffled as Orange comforted her, hugging her and stroking her hair.

Orange: wanna come into the bed with me and Momma tonight?

She wiped her eyes, nodding.

Picking her up, Orange carried Crystal to their bed and put her next to the still sleeping Blue. She lied next to her as she whimpered.

Crystal: I never should've gone off like that...then maybe-

Orange: It's not your fault Crystal. It never was...Nothing like that will ever happen again, okay?

Crystal: Promise?

She nodded and kissed her forehead, cuddling her.

Orange: Goodnight my precious child...

Orange fell quickly into sleep, followed by Crystal as she smiled. For the first time since the monster attack, Crystal got a good nights sleep.

To be continued...

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