Still looking

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Meggy and Tari held hands as they boarded the plane, taking a seat with Meggy in the window chair.

Tari: (Sigh) Ah, it's nice to finally be able to get away for awhile, away from all the craziness.

Meggy: Yeah, I'm just glad I'm done with collage. Melony breezed through but I got stuck with all the hard work.

Tari grinned, giving Meggy a cheek kiss.

Tari: It's okay honey, we can just take this time to relax.

Meggy: Y-yeah, your right. Just you and me. I think you'd like that after all...

Tari blushed.

Tari: Meggy, we're in public!

Meggy: Heh, sorry.

The plane started to leave the docking area and move to the runway as the two of them put on their seatbelts.

As the plane was about to leave, she looked out the window and saw the whole gang their waving goodbye. Even Kaizo dropped by to see them off.

One thing we noticed was Mario waving, making her smile. He knew about her plan from the start.

From her pocket, she pulled a small red box that she opened to reveal a blue gem on a silver ring, quickly hiding it in her cap before Tari saw.

One thing she was sure of: Things would never be the same after this vacation...


That was the last time he saw her...

News came in the plane had crashed over the Pacific Ocean, practically snapping in half. Among the 5 survivors...Meggy and Tari weren't among them.

The day the police came to give them the news, Meggy's cap and headphones in hand with the ring box still with them...well, that was the first time Luigi or anyone saw him cry.

Tari was one of his closest friends and Meggy was like a sister to him. No amount of spaghetti in the world could pull him from the depression that followed. Seriously, Smg4 took him to a spaghetti factory and he didn't eat one bite.

It took him a year or maybe two before he could think clearly and started hitting the books, getting to work.

On what many would ask? He was trying to find them.

He spent days and nights using maps and flight paths to try and see if they could be anywhere. Call it hope or denial, Mario proved he was more then just a fat, stupid Italian that liked to stuff his face with food.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and then years but he wouldn't give up. Everyone tried to convince him to leave it alone, but as his IQ somehow grew larger, so did the distance he put between himself and others in search of his friends.

And now, 15 years to the day, still nothing.

Enraged, Mario summoned fire into his hands as he smashed the desk under him in half, sending all the papers falling on the floor.

He walked away from his desk and up the stairs into his bed, now a single bed since Luigi moved away, unable to deal with his nonsense any longer.

He looked at a memento on his bedside, Meggy's cap sitting and the door of his bed with her headphones.

Mario: I'll never stop looking Meggy...for you or Tari. One way or another...I'll see you two again.

And so he rolled over, ready to sleep for another day of work.

Literal love IslandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora