Finally Found Them

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For the first time in a while, their was quiet. Silence and calm apart from the windy breeze.

Orange smiled, looking over the side of the ravine and at the lake. She always came out here to think whenever she got stressed.

Close to her chest was a sleeping Felicia, curled up in one arm and sleeping after her feeding.

The rushing water of the waterfall made the Crystal's glow, one of her favourite parts of their home.

Home, a word she could call it after all these years.

She was broken from her thoughts by the sudden sound of crying, Felicia thrashing about in her arms. She gently ran a hand over her forehead.

Orange: Shh, shh...did you have a nightmare? It's okay, Mommy gets those too...

As Felicia drifted off to sleep, Blue approached from the side, Molly in her arms also sleeping like a leaf.

Blue: (Sigh) Nice to know they're easy to put to sleep...

Orange: Yeah, I haven't had a decent amount of shut eye in ages.

Blue smiled, kissing Orange as they put their foreheads together.

But all good things had to come to an end...

From above, the trees started shaking violently as a loud noise approaching. Their heads shot up in alert.

The trees rumbled as some of the older branches snapped off, a shadow casting briefly over them as something flew overhead with a buzzing noise that nearly deafened them.

The noise woke both Molly and Felicia and made them cry, while the object flew away to a beachside.

Orange: What is that?!

Blue: I...I don't know! What do we do?!

Orange tried to think, gritting her teeth. With what happened last time someone showed up here, she wasn't taking any chances.

She gave Felicia to Blue, grabbing a nearby sharpened branch.

Orange: Take them and get back to Crystal, get her and the twins hidden and keep them safe!

Blue, thinking on here feet, took off without a second thought.

Going towards where the noise was, gathered her strength and prepared for the worst...


The moment the chopper hit the ground, Mario leapt out in a classic hero landing as Smg4 fell flat on his face, getting back up quickly.

Mario: Is this the right place!?

Smg4: It has to be, look!

Both looked over and ran towards what seemed to be a small wooden shack. It looked very old and as if it could barely fit two people, but...

Smg4: If someone built this...that means theirs life here!

Mario: And if not Meggy or Tari, at least someone who knows where they are!

Smg4: Alright, you go that way!

Mario nodded, taking off along the beach as Smg4 ran into the woods, ready to find their friends...


Mario: Meggy? Tari? It's-a me, I'm here to help!

Mario called out along the beach, trying to find any sign of where Meggy or Tari could be.

In the distance, he saw a figure hiding in some bushes.

Mario: Uh...hello-?

From the bushes, a figure leapt out and aimed a sharpened wooden branch at him. But the Moment Mario got a good look...his joy exploded.

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