Old and New Love

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(6 months after leaving the island)

The family had managed to mostly adjust to a normal life, the kids growing to love their new home just as much as their old one.

Meggy taught them all the ways they could help around the house, only if they wished to help. They even looked in Tari's closet and found some of her games consoles.

When they asked how to play, you could see Tari's mind explode with joy.

And speaking of joy...


Crystal: I'll get it!

Crystal ran down the stairs and leapt over the stair guardrail, right past her sisters watching the Tv and her Moms making dinner. Meggy grinned as she opened the door, Eve and her mother standing their.

Eve: Hi Crystal!

They hugged with a laughter, then Crystal turned to Meggy as she approached.

Crystal: Mom, can I show Eve my room?

Meggy: Okay, but don't be too long. Dinner's gonna be ready in 20 minutes.

Eve: Okay!

Eve's mom: Have fun honeybun, I'll be back tomorrow morning.

Eve: Okay, bye Mom!

The two friends laughed as they ran up the stairs, leaving Meggy to talk to Eve's mom.

Meggy: Aw, isn't their friendship-

Eve's mom: Okay, we can drop the act now. Please don't talk to me.

Meggy just stood their in silence.

Meggy: Uh...come again?

Eve's Mom: Look, I only tolerate being here because your daughter is friends with mine. If they hadn't met in that hospital, I wouldn't even be talking to you.

Meggy: And...why is that?

Eve's Mom: Because your a family of freaks from an island! If it weren't for that, I could almost tolerate the fact that your a les-

Meggy punched the doorframe, cutting her off.

Meggy: Finish that sentence...and you and I are going to have problems.

Their was silence, then she walked away and left. Meggy closed the door, walking off upstairs as one of the pots caught on fire, alerting Tari.

Tari: Uh...Meggy!?


Crystal: Okay, what about this?

Crystal put another pillow on the top of the pillow fort she and Eve were making, looking like a stack of cards with no roof.

Eve: Uh, try going a little higher!

Crystal grabbed a pillow and tried to climb up to the top, but screeched as the walls caved in and fell, getting covered by pillows.

Eve initially laughed, but stopped when she heard pained groans.

Crystal: Ow...Owie...

Eve: Are you okay?

She lifted a pillow and saw Crystal on her side, a hand over her heart.

Crystal: Agh! It's burning!

Eve: Crystal, what's wrong?!

She ran and helped the girl back to her feet, sitting her on the mattress.

Crystal: Ow...sorry. It's just an old injury...

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