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Crystal's eyes washed over the sights through the window, confusion and worry sparking in her brain. Where was this? What was going on?

She backed away, standing on her bed as she took some strange place. She was in a room with white walls and lined up beds, while her sisters were done by the den distracted by some weird glowing flat board and small statues of strangely dressed people.

Everything was cold, her clothes barely doing anything to keep her warm. Her sisters were all given some weird looking clothing that she didn't understand, scared of everything that was around her.

Someone walked through the door she didn't recognise, dressed in full white and in a weird coat. Panicked, she hid under her blanket in fear. Her sisters reacted more nonchalant, waving at her.

The woman smiled at them, then looked at her with worry at Crystal as she hid away even more.

Nurse: Sweetie, are you okay?

Crystal: Go away! I...I don't know you!

Nurse: I'm just trying to help you little one, you don't look well.

Truth be told, her cheeks looked red and puffy, her eyes bloodshot. That was followed by a quick sneeze.

Nurse: Are you sick?

Crystal: N-no, I'm fine. Now leave me alone!

Nurse: I can't little one, I just need to give you one little thing...

She looked at the nurse as she drew...a needle attached to a vial, filled with a liquid from a kit. Crystal froze, her fears boiling through the roof as she sprung up and jumped off the bed. She hit the floor, landing on her side with a painful grunt.

Nurse: Oh my god! Are you okay?!

Crystal: Stay away from me, don't touch me!

She ran as fast as her legs could go, backing up against the door. Her sisters were too absorbed by the TV to notice anything happening.

Nurse: Look, I don't wanna hurt-

Crystal: Don't lie to me! This is all wrong, this isn't my home! I wanna go home, away from people like you who just wanna hurt me!

Nurse: Please, just listen to-

An elderly man walked in the room, hearing the commotion.

Doctor: What's going on in here?

Crystal moved fast, grabbing a nearby metal pan and smashing it into the man's kneecap. He collapsed in pain as she ran out the door, getting lost on the halls before anyone could follow her.

Doctor: Crap! Call the boss, tell him the girl got away!


Tari: And then...I somehow managed to get the boat back on and send it away...away from Meggy.

The guys listened closely to the story as Tari told them what happened with the man, Meggy clinging to her the whole time and barely blinking.

Tari: It took her years to forget what happened but now...with everything coming back, she's reliving it all over again.

Luigi: mentioned he had strange clothes?

Tari: Yeah, some white and black stripes. What does that have to do with it?

Luigi: (Sigh) Must've been the escaped prisoner from 4 years ago.

Tari: Huh?

Smg4: 4 years ago, some psycho escaped custody on a boat and fled from everyone.

Tari frowned, hugging Meggy tightly.

Tari: Doesn't make it any better for her...

Smg4: Have you considered therapy? I think both of you could use it.

Tari: Therapy?

Luigi: Yeah. Forgive me if this crosses a line but I'm pretty sure Meggy has PTSD.

Tari: I think that's a bit extre-

Before she could finish, someone else in a lab coat smashed through the door in a panicked state.

Lab assistant: Sir, Sir! It's an emergency!

Mario: Dammit! Luigi, I thought you installed that electric door lock!

Luigi: Ian, can you come back another time? I'm in the middle of something really personal.

Mario: (Snicker) Ian...

Ian: I'm serious sir, it's about the girl from the island, the eldest one!

That caught Meggy and Tari's attention.

Meggy: Wha-what's wrong?

Ian: She's gone, she ran off!

Meggy had a look of absolute dread on her face, while Tari's eyes rolled back and she fell back unconscious. Their worst fears had just come true.

To be continued...

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