Year 11-12

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(Years: 11 + Months: 5)

(Mushroom City outskirts - Prison)

Alarms blared and sirens went of throughout all the prison. Prisoners were sent back to their cells in the middle of dinner as everyone was put on high alert. The speakers explained the situation.

Warden: Attention all guards, Prisoner 847 has escaped holding! He is considered dangerous, lethal force only allowed if necessary!

Guard ran through the halls trying to find the lost prisoner, unaware of what was happening outside...

On the outside, the prisoner was still in his uniform as he unveiled a hidden speedboat. He'd had an associate hide it and with the keys in hand, he turned on the engine and took off into the night sky.

And before the sun could rise, he was gone from sight...

(Years: 11 + Months: 7)

Orange laughed as Crystal chased after her, Alice trying to keep up with her sister. Off to the side, Blue was trying to help Emily build a sandcastle.

Blue: (Sigh) Its nice to just take a day and relax, forget about jobs and a family. Isn't that right Emily?

She responded throwing a bit of sand on her face. She wiped it away as Emily laughed.

Blue: Wow, your a naughty little one, aren't you? Well...I hope you like sand as much as you like the tickle monster!

She grabbed ahold of Emily and they both started laughing. Off to the side, Orange feigned defeat as Crystal and Alice caught up to her.

Orange smiled, hoping the moment could last forever...

But then her eyes spotted something in the distance.

Something approaching the island at a fast speed, a silent whirring sound in the distance. As she narrowed her eyes, Blue took notice.

Blue: Orange, what's wrong?

She went silent for a minute, taking a step back. She looked at the worried blue, her concern clear as she spoke...

Orange: Get the girls inside...

Blue: Wha-?

Orange: No time to explain, Go!

Frightened by her urgency, Blue nodded and gathered their children before rushing them back to the village against Crystal's questions.

Orange stood on the beach sternly, ready for what was approaching...

The object got closer and closer until something metallic crashed on the shore, blowing ocean water and sand onto her clothing.

Coughing came from the craft as Orange's head jumped up, seeing a figure fall from the craft in a coughing fit.

Prisoner: (Coughing) Jesus...Christ! God, that was a rough landing...

He got to his feet, cracking his back as he took in the green trees and beach scenery.

Prisoner: Woah, nice place to hunker down.

It was only then however, that he noticed another person with him.

Orange stepped away from him in confusion and fright, bringing a sadistic smile to the man's face.

Prisoner: Well...lookie what we have here...

He started walking toward her. Orange tried to speak, to ward him off, but no words could form. He got close and stroked her cheek in a creepy way.

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