Year 9-10

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(Years: 9 + Months: 4)

Giggles and laughter of two small babies were heard by the lake area, Blue washing their hair as they splashed about in the water. Since they'd outgrow fitting in the bucket, this was their first real bath.

Blue: Aw, you like the water! Don't you, little ones?

They laughed in response, trying to splash their Momma with water.

Blue: Woah, you two are naughty!

She laughed with them. Off to the side, Crystal was helping Orange with washing their clothes. Orange looked over and smiled at them.

Blue smiled back. When they'd first arrived here, she'd always been so nervous around everything and everyone, even though it was just her family here. But now she'd...matured in a way.

She didn't know what life she had before, but...maybe it didn't matter.

(Years: 9 + Months: 8)

Blue got out of bed and blew her hair out of her eyes, noticing that it had grown a bit longer. Orange had been in charge of their haircuts since they'd shown up here and she considered asking her to cut hers...

But...she felt different now.

Maybe it was the island or just her new family life, but...she didn't feel like she wanted short hair anymore.

Blue: Wonder how Orange would feel if I grew My hair out a bit?

(Years: 10 + Months: 0)

Alice and Emily rolled about on the floor, pulling on each-other's hair as Crystal ran to separate them. The light of the fire lit the family as they all sat down to eat, Orange joining to give kisses to all her children.

From the cooking pot, Blue brought soup for the whole lot but she looked different. Her blue hair was now as long and flowing as Orange's, no longer covering her other eye.

Giving her family their food and sitting next to Orange, the latter kissed her passionately and fiddled with her hair.

Orange: I think I like this new you...

She laughed, then looked up to the starry sky...

Blue: Y'know...I think I like the new me too...

To be continued...

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