Year 7-8

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(Years: 7 + Months: 4)

Crystal: Momma, what are we doing here?

Crystal looked around the lake area, wondering what she was doing here since it clearly wasn't for a bath.

Blue: Crystal, your Mommy and I were thinking that it's time you could help around with some of the stuff here. So I thought you could help me wash our clothes!

Crystal furrowed her brow in annoyance.

Blue: I saw that Crystal...

Crystal: I know.

Despite her reluctance, Blue managed to get her into the process of cleaning the clothes. It was simple: Dip the clothes in the lake, hand them over a high branch and wait for the wind to cool them.

When Crystal gave Blue her cloth shirt to wash, Blue stopped to take a moment to look at her. A frown crossed her face, looking at the claw marks permanently scarred into her daughter's skin.

Crystal: Momma, is something wrong?

She shook her head.

Blue: No Crystal, just...thought I saw something...

She turned back to the job at hand, asking herself...

What if they hadn't gotten their in time?

(Years: 7 + Months: 8)

Crystal hummed to herself as she opened another patch of dirt in the ground, putting some seeds in the ground. She didn't remember which ones these were, but she prayed for carrots.

As this was happening, she looked over and saw Orange standing at a nearby rock and a small wall of sharpened wooden spears. She was busy using a sharp knife to carve another wooden stick to be extra sharp.

Concerned, she walked over.

Crystal: M-mommy? Are you okay?

Orange: I'm fine Crystal...

She kept sharpening.

Crystal: I'm...putting in some more seeds. Do you wanna help me?

Orange: I can't Crystal, I'm busy.

She planted the spear into the ground next to the wall and grabbed another piece of wood, beginning to sharpen it as well.

Crystal: M-Mommy, your scaring me...

Orange: Crystal, I can't talk right now. I'm trying to-AGH!

She dropped the knife and the wood, holding her hand.

Crystal: What's wrong!?

Orange: N-nothing! Just...leave me alone Crystal.

She moved closer, seeing Orange holding her hand as it was covered in a thick coat of liquid red.

Crystal: Mommy, your bleeding!

Orange tried to protest, but grunted in pain.

Crystal ran and got the water bucket she was going to use for gardening, Orange taking a seat as she dipped her bleeding hand into the water. She hissed in pain and then relaxed as the water quickly turned a pale red.

Crystal: Mommy, you can't hurt yourself like this.

Orange: I'm fine Crystal-

Crystal: No, your not!

Orange tilted away a bit, surprised since Crystal was almost never angry.

Crystal: Mommy, you've spent the last few nights sharpening those things and not sleeping. Your...making me afraid...

She stepped back a bit, Orange frowning as she reached out her non injured hand to stroke her cheek.

Orange: I'm so sorry Crystal, it's just-I'm trying to keep us all safe. After what happened with that...thing...I just wanna keep you safe.

Crystal looked back at her.

Crystal: It's okay Mommy. I'm always safe...just as long as your their for me...

Orange smiled, then pulled her in for a one armed hug.

Orange: Okay...I'll be their...

Crystal smiled.

(Years: 8 + Months: 0)

Blue stirred the soup to its finished batch and gave a spoonful to Crystal, letting her taste it.

Blue: What do you think?

Crystal: Mmm...It's good!

Blue: Great, let's eat!

Blue scooped up 3 bowls and handed 2 to Crystal and Orange with a cut on her palm, sitting around the fire as they ate.

They laughed, they lied each-other and talked about the day.

And most importantly, they did things a family.

To be continued...

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