Catch up

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Yellow Toad news reporter: We interrupt this program for an urgent news report!

Purple Toad news reporter: This just in, news has come in about a missing couple from 15 years ago, they've been found! But if your new, allow us to catch you up.

Yellow Toad news reporter: Splatfest champion Meggy Splezter and her unnamed blue haired girlfriend were going on a vacation when tragedy struck as their plane veered off course and drove into the Pacific Ocean. With only 5 survivors among almost 200 on board, most assumed them dead.

Purple Toad news reporter: But new information has arrived saying that not only have they returned after being stranded on an island all these, years, they have started a family consisting of 5 daughters!

Yellow Toad news reporter: One can only wonder that after so long away from civilisation, how does this family come to terms with their new reality?

Purple Toad news reporter: A tough question indeed. Coming up next, KS-2 is playing live and where you can buy tickets!


Tari looked at the Tv with a scowl, hoping they'd at least get a few days before the news came knocking on the door. Why didn't these news reporters keep their noses out of peoples business?

As of now, she and Meggy were staying in a bedroom that Luigi had crafted them for the time being, since their house would take a while to buy back. And they stuff that got sold, even longer.

Although It killed both of them inside, she and Meggy had to let their kids get taken away for medical examinations and safety tests. They reassured themselves it was for their own safety.

On the plus side, it allowed her a chance to catch up on life on the mushroom kingdom and they even had a functional bathroom. 15 years and that was the most decent shower she had had in forever...

Running a hand through her long, now silky hair, she lied back into the bed and relaxed. It was way more comfortable then the beds back on the island, she would admit that.

But her moment of bliss ended when she realised Meggy wasn't their, still hearing the shower running.

Tari: Meggy?

She followed the shower noise into the bathroom, but the sight before her broke her heart.

Meggy was sat alone in the shower, water running down her face and not even bothering to take off her clothes. It took her a minute to realise half the water on her face were tears form her puffy red eyes.

Tari: Meggy, what's wrong?

Meggy: My babies...for the first time, their on their own. I can't just...go around in circles until I find them or...tell them to come back the way they came. I...I miss them...

Tari frowned. She crouched down and joined Meggy in the shower, not even caring if she got wet.

Tari: I know, I...I miss them too. But their in safe hands Meggy, we just wait. We'll see them again before we know it...

Meggy smiled at her and leaned her head onto Tari's shoulder, crying as Tari hugged her with tears in her eyes.

Meggy: I love you...

Tari: I love you too...


After a proper shower and getting into some real clothes, Meggy was finally ready to go talk to people as Tari followed her out the room.

The building was gigantic, having scientists and security with technology as far as the eye could see. It amazed both of them, wondering how Luigi got any of this...

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