Year 14-15 (1/2)

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(Years: 14 + Months: 3)

Orange took another bite from a nearby mushroom, giving her growing belly a loving stroke. She already been through this a few times so she knew how to deal with it.

Blue, not so much.

To her side, Blue was still trying to help out with the garden as best she could. When she dropped the trowel, she growled in anger before having to awkwardly squat down to pick it up, unable to bend over to do so.

She eventually gave up, letting Crystal take over as she rubbed her own belly and sat down next to Orange on a nearby log.

Orange: Having trouble are we?

Blue: Cmon, don't gave me that voice.'s like I'm carrying around a bag of rocks in my stomach, I can't do anything around here.

Orange: You realise I've been through this already? One time I didn't even realise and the other with twins?

Blue: I know, but...(Sigh)...I just wanna be useful around here and help out how I can, like we always have here. Without that...I don't know what my purpose is...

She slumped and pulled her knees close to her belly. Orange smiled and stroked her hair.

Orange: Blue, your bringing a baby into the world, our baby. And so am I. The girls will be totally understanding if you take a load off so try and do that. Just...relax a bit.

Orange gave a her kiss as she looked up at the clear blue sky. Blue grinned, shuffling closer as they watched the sky together.

(Years: 14 + Months: 6)

Blue groaned into Orange's shoulder, their bellies touching as they swayed side to side.

Blue's water had broken that morning and as if that wasn't enough, Orange had the same happen to her not long after.

Now in the healers hut, they both relied on each-other to make it through their separate labours. Orange had an easier time due to having been through this before and having green mushrooms on hand.

But Blue was the stubborn one, refusing to mushrooms no matter how many time she was offered, saying she wanted this naturally. Of course, Orange could see she might now regret that decision.

Blue: Ahhh...ahh!

Orange: Just breathe, it's okay. Your okay, just breathe with the pain.

Blue: feels like there's a giant ball coming out of me...

Orange: You feeling pushy yet? Any pressure?

Blue: I...I'm not sure. Are you?

They each placed a hand on Orange's belly.

Orange: A little but...nothing too much.

Crystal walked over with a bowl of water.

Crystal: Here Mommy, I thought you and Momma could use this.

Orange: Thanks baby girl...

Taking the bowl, she took a quick sip herself and gave the bowl to Blue who chugged at least half of it.

Crystal was dismissed since their was nothing else she could do, going back to sit with the twins and encouraging them to observe nature.

At the tail end of the next contraction, Blue quivered and lowered to the floor as Orange knelt down to comfort her, rubbing her own belly as she breathed softly through another pain.

Blue: It low...

Orange: Heh, now you know how I feel.

Blue: I think...I think I...

Orange: Need to push?

Blue: Yeah, like...right now.

Orange: Okay, do you wanna-

Blue: Bed!

Helping Blue up, She sat her lying back on the bed. Knees spread and sat up on her elbows, Orange sat ready on her knees as a double positioning to help deliver Blue's baby and also her own.

Crystal nudged her sisters and got them to pay attention.

Blue gripped the sheets tighter and groaned as Orange readied herself.

Orange: Okay Blue. You helped me through this, now I'm doing the same for you. So, wait for the next one and then-

She got cut off as Blue bore down and yelled with pain. Looks like she didn't need to be told how this worked.

Orange: That's it, keep doing that!

For awhile, Blue kept up the good work and Orange encouraged her as she kept pushing.

Before long, the head was crowning and just one good push away from being born.

Blue: big...

Orange: Your almost their Blue, just one more!

Taking a deep breath, she yelled out in pain as she gave one last big push to deliver her baby.

In one motion, the head, shoulders and body came out at once as Orange caught the infant, already crying against the cold air. Comparing its size to their other children, she appeared to be the largest one yet.

Orange: It's another girl...

She handed the baby to Blue, panting in exhaustion as she took the big baby into her arms with an adoring smile.

Blue: She has my hair...and my eyes. Heh, she's like a mini me!

She kissed the baby's forehead.

Blue: Hi little Felicia...

Orange caressed the baby's cheek in love, but got pulled back to reality by a strong contraction. It made her and Blue both remember they still had another baby to birth.

Before long, the sun started to set and Orange was ready to deliver as Blue was tending to the newborn Felicia, needing a quick lesson on how to feed her.

And as the sun began to disappear behind the clouds, Orange heaved and gave one last big push as her baby was born into her waiting hands.

Just as big as Blue's baby and just as exhausting, Orange collapsed on the bed next to Blue and looked at their other newborn, a girl with Orange's same look of brown eyes and orange hair.

Orange: Molly...

She leaned her head on Blue as they each held a baby in their arms, Crystal and the twins gathering around to meet their new sisters.

Blue: Girls...Meet Felicia...

Orange: And this is Molly...

They admired their little sisters with admiration.

And for Orange and Blue in that moment, here with 5 amazing children...nothing could be more perfect.

To be continued...

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