Year 13-14

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(Years: 13 + Months: 3)

Emily and Alice were still busy just running the lake around and laughing as Crystal attempted to Corel them.

Crystal: Girls, girls! Cmon, your gonna want to pay attention to this.

Alice: Why are we here?

Emily: I don't wanna take a bath!

Crystal: Relax you two, it's not a bath. You two are here for a very important reason...

Their curiosity peaked, they shut up and let their big sister continue.

Crystal: See, when I was about as big as you two are now, Mommy and Momma told me how to help out with some of the bigger jobs around here and help however I could. So, I checked with them and their allowing me to do the same!

They looked confused.

Crystal: So today, I'm gonna be teaching you two how we wash all our clothes!

Their faces resembled that of kids who get socks for Christmas.

Emily: I think sis has lost her mind...

Alice: Probably...

(Years: 13 + Months: 6)

Crystal: And then you plant the seeds in the ground, cover them up, water then and done!

Crystal finished showing her sisters how to plant the food seeds as they stood to the side with some equipment.

Crystal: So, you two wanna try?

Alice looked excited, but Crystal went into panic mode when she saw Emily try to eat some of the seeds.


(Years: 13 + Months: 9)

Emily rammed a wooden stick into the ocean as Crystal came to check.

Emily: Nice job Sis, you caught one!

She pulled a big fish from the end of the stick with a smile.

Crystal: Alice, how are you doing?

Crystal just turned to see her using hers to draw a big smiley face in the sand, giving a thumbs up as Crystal just facepalmed.

Crystal: Let's try this again tomorrow...

(Years: 14 + Months: 0)

Crystal looked on from the side as Emily and Alice worked together, tending to the garden all on their own.

She was also supported as Orange sat down near her.

Orange: You taught them all the lessons I assume?

Crystal: Your right Mommy. Although their was almost a really bad mistake when doing gardening the first time...

Orange smiled and cuddled her eldest daughter.

Orange: See? I knew you were perfect big sister material...

She smiled back.

After going off on her way to play with her sisters, Orange sat back as Blue came sat sat down next to her. They met with a smile...

And both ran a hand over their curved bellies as they kissed...

To be continued...

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