Year 3-4

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(Years: 3 + Months: 2)

Orange prepared what supplies they would need, grabbing ahold of some melons and coconut shells filled with water. They carried everything by turning Blue's jacket into a makeshift satchel.

Blue: Have we got everything?

Orange: Yeah, though I'm not sure how long it'll last before we run out.

Blue: Let's just hope we can find others before that happens...

Orange motioned over to Crystal as she was running around the shore, causing her to run over. Orange lowered herself down, letting the child ride on her back in a piggyback.

Blue grabbed her hoodie with all the food...and the two looked back one last time at their makeshift hut, their first home...

Before walking into the trees and into the unknown.

(Years: 3 + Months: 6)

The sound of several crickets chirping was unnerving, the night silence not helping. Orange took the first watch as Blue and Crystal slept in a small cave.

Turning her head, Blue was cuddling Crystal in her sleep. The sight made her smile, before she went back to her watch.

(Years: 3 + Months: 9)

Blue: Crystal? Can you say...Mama?

Blue looked at Crystal with hope. She just babbled, making her sigh.

Orange had gone off to find some more food, leaving Blue alone. With nothing else to do, she was trying to get their daughter to start talking.

Blue: Cmon, just say Mama! It's not that hard!

She just laughed at her Momma's exasperated face.

Blue sighed and took a bite from a melon, then Orange returned from the trees and carried with her a bunch of coconuts.

Orange: Hey, I got some coconuts!

Blue: Great, I'm thirsty!

Blue took a coconut and cracked it open, her and Orange both relaxed as they drank from the shell.

Orange: Ahhh...I needed that...

Blue: Yeah, we're running low on stuff to eat and drink as it is...Are you sure we're close to finding others?

Orange: I hope so Blue...I hope.

Blue put a hand on Orange's back, smiling. Then in a move that surprised them, Crystal ran up and hugged them both.

Crystal: Haha! Mama's!

They both looked shocked, eyes teary as they hugged their child back.

(Years: 3 + Months: 11)

Orange grunted as she rubbed her stomach, rumbling from lack of food.

Judging by the look on Blue's face, she was feeling the same. They'd run out of melons 2 days prior, starving after not being able to find anymore.

Blue: hurts...

Orange: I know, I'm hungry too. But the only way we can find food or possibly help is if keep moving.

Tari nodded reluctantly.

They weren't sure how long they had been walking, with Crystal being the only one with any real sense of energy. After a while, Orange and Blue couldn't walk anymore and caved onto the floor.

Crystal: Mama's?

Blue: I can't...walk anymore...

Orange: So hungry...

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