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The whole building was locked down, not one door was left unguarded Or unlocked to risk an escape. Crystal had lived on an island her whole life, she'd never survive if she escaped.

Right now, Luigi was coordinating a search party as Meggy was walking back and forth, pacing frantically.

Meggy: Why would she do this? Where could she have gone?! She could get hurt or be sick or-!

Luigi: Meggy, I'm trying my best! Try and calm down!

Meggy: Calm down!? I'm freaking out and Tari's nearly catatonic!

On a nearby couch, Smg4 propped Tari's head on a pillow as Mario tried using a fan to wake her up.

Meggy: My child is missing in a world she doesn't know so help me god if you don't find her, I will throw you off the roof of this building!!!

Luigi shy'd away.

Luigi: Nice to have you back Meggy...hehe...

Meggy yelled in rage, sitting near Tari as Smg4 came over.

Smg4: It's okay Meggy, they'll find her.

Meggy: They don't know her, she's tricky and really good at hiding and running away.

Smg4: Well...you know her the best, she's your blood! What would she do if this were on the island?

Meggy had a moment of clarity, standing up as she thought to herself and Smg4 stood eagerly for an answer.

Meggy: Well, she...she always knows that when something dangerous comes to the island that she...needs to hide from it.

Smg4: Yes, yes...

Meggy: So whenever something bad happened or she got scared, she...used to hid in-


A lightbulb clicked back on over her head.

Meggy: The closet! She used to hide in the hidden closet!

Smg4: Really?

Meggy: Yeah, she went their to be alone when she gets stressed!

Smg4 clicked his fingers as he got an idea.

Smg4: Luigi, does this building have any closets?!

Luigi: Plenty, why?

Smg4: Start searching all of them, now!

Luigi nodded, flicking through all the basement cameras at high speed, thermal imaging to ease the effect, until finally...

Luigi: Got her!

On one of the cameras, a figure could be seen hidden behind some of the disposal bins and hunched over.

Smg4: She's in the second floor supply closet!

Meggy: Crystal...

Luigi: Okay, I'll send someone to-

Meggy grabbed Luigi's hand before he could touch the radio at his desk, a frown on her face as they all looked at her.

Meggy: No...it has to be me...


Meggy walked through the door to the closet. Immediately, she heard the sounds of a gasp and the clanging of metal.

She walked around the corner, seeing Crystal bunkering down behind some shelves in the dark.

Crystal: S-stay back, don't touch me!

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