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(4 Months after leaving the island)

Meggy and Tari's lives seemed to be settling for them, their children just starting to cope with their new lives as they tried their hardest to get back into their old ones.

Although it took a month of convincing, Meggy and Tari eventually signed up for Therapy as Luigi's behest.

They considered getting Crystal one as well, but it seemed she was perfectly happy talking to her newest friend Eve. Luigi even managed to convince the girls mother to let her daughter make weekly visits.

But it seemed that they couldn't just stay their forever. It took forever, but Crystal had fully developed her immune system and been declared healthy enough to leave.

They were finally going home. At least...that's what they hoped.


Crystal opened her eyes to see a nurse standing over her, grabbing her arm. She jumped up in fright.

Nurse: Woah, it's okay! I'm just getting these things outta your arms.

She pulled the IV tubes and lines out of her arms, cleaning away any blood with a sanitised wipe before pulling the tube out of her nose. For the first time in forever, Crystal could breathe through her nose.

Crystal: What's...happening?

Nurse: You get to go home Sweetie.

Crystal was sad, but hid it with a smile. She already knew she wasn't talking about the island.

The nurse walked away and shortly after, a familiar girl walked through the door with a bag.

Eve: Hi Crystal!

Crystal: Eve!

She jumped up on the bed and hugged her friend.

Crystal: What are you doing here, It's not your visiting day?

Eve: Yeah, but I heard you were going home today so I had to get you something that I thought you would love!

Crystal: Really, what's that?

Eve: Well, your last wardrobe wasn't exactly...city ready. So I went and got you some actual clothes to wear!

Crystal: Really? Eve, you...you didn't have to do that...

Eve: I did Crystal...what are friends for?

Crystal smiled, her cheeks turning red.

Crystal: Alright, I'm sold. What have you got?

Eve: Trust me, you'll love it.


Eve stood outside the curtain, her back turned to them as Crystal was having a fitting.

Crystal: I gotta admit, these do feel comfortable.

Eve: Right?

Crystal: But...I'm not sure about this. What if people laugh at me or say I look stupid?

Eve: Crystal, none of that will happen. I can promise you that.

She listened in, hearing the sound of grunting.

Eve: You okay in their?

Crystal: Yeah...this is the first time I've actually had a...real bra.

Eve: Oh, right...

A blush crossed Eve's face just picturing that.

Another five minutes passed and Eve was tapping her feet wondering what was taking so long.

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