Year 8-9

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(Years: 8 + Months: 3)

Crystal could be heard chewing loudly as she chomped down on a mushroom, Blue laughing as she took a bite if hers.

But when she turned to look at Orange, she'd barley taken a nibble. She was clearly hungry since Blue could hear her stomach rumbling.

Blue: Orange, what's wrong?

Orange: I...I'm trying not to eat as much.

Blue: Why?

Orange: Because I think I'm getting fat...

Blue looked at her oddly.

Blue: Orange, you don't look fat to me.

Orange: I can tell. Cmon, look at this.

She took Blue's hand a put it over her belly, helping Blue notice a slight pudgy curve to Orange's figure.

Blue: Okay, so you've put on a few pounds. It's nothing to worry about Orange, it's just your family here.

Orange: I know, i...Im just really self conscious for some reason.

Blue: You don't have to worry Orange, I love you for who you are.

She smiled back, taking a big bite from the mushroom as Blue hugged her closer.

Blue: I love you...

Orange: You too...

(Years: 8 + Months: 6)

Orange grumbled as she tried to lie back and sleep, feeling as if her internals were being smushed. Her belly had grown a considerable amount, barely hide-able under her cloth shirt.

She sat up, wiping some sweat from her brow. Blue was awoken by this and leaned up beside her.

Blue: Orange, what's wrong?

Orange: It's my won't stop growing...

She rubbed her belly skin concerned.

Orange: I'm starting to think this is more then just getting fat.

Blue: Orange, I'm sure it's nothing. I'm sure it's gonna go away in a few-

Orange: Shh!

Blue: Did you just-!?

Orange: No! I mean, yes! Just-Quiet for a minute...

Orange placed a hand on her medium sized belly. Her skin wobbled as she put a palm against her skin.

Orange: Blue, their's...theirs something moving in their.

Blue: Huh?

Orange: You don't think-?

Blue came to check it out, putting a hand with Orange onto her belly. The movement increased as the two sat bewildered.

Blue: It is...

Orange smiled in surprise and looked out the window to the shining stars.

Orange: The sky has blessed us again...

Blue and Orange both smiled, realising they would soon have a bigger family and they leaned in for a kiss.

(Years: 8 + Months: 9)

With the knowledge that they'd be having another blessing, Blue and Orange were overjoyed. Crystal had the same reaction once they told her.

They spent the next few months preparing how they could, using their crafting skills to build a crib for their impending child.

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