The end

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(4 years later...)

Crystal stared out as the wide ocean, the sand crunching under her shoes as the sun began to set in the distance. The sound of other families having fun around her drowning out as she exhaled.

This reminded her of the island.

Her attention was drew by the squirming in her arms that turned into a loud cry. She looked down in her arms, seeing her baby girl crying.

Crystal: Shh,'s okay. It's okay...

Eve: You want me to take her?"

Eve walked from nearby, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Crystal: No, I got her.

A few gentle bops and their daughter was asleep once again.

Only a month old, she was growing quick, having short blonde hair with a few curls of gingers, her eyes glimmering with colours of green and blue. A perfect blend as Eve put it and they'd named her after Eve's grandmother, Eliza.

Crystal and Eve had gotten a bit too close last year, resulting in Crystal having a teen pregnancy, both of them only 17 at the time.

Although Eve's mother had a fit and wouldn't talk to her, Meggy and Tari supported Crystal throughout everything and Eliza was born safely at the Splezter household. Crystal's sisters were overjoyed to be aunts and Meggy and Tari the same to be grandparents.

Eve: You staring out into space again?

Crystal: It's not that! I'm just...relaxing. Looking at the sunset is a thing my Mom does when she gets stressed. reminds me of the island.

Eve: Aw...okay, I take it back.

Crystal: Cool. Hey, I heard you spoke to your brother recently?

Eve: Y-yeah, he said he's got a 3 day weekend coming up and he was hoping he could come over to see Eliza here.

Crystal: Well...okay. But only if he agrees to be quiet around her. I do not want-

Eve: I promise you, we will never have a repeat of last time if it kills me.

Crystal smiled, giving Eve a kiss as they all looked out as the ocean.

Eve: By the way, do you...ever wish you could go back?

Crystal: But if I had a chance to start my life over here instead of their...

She held Eve's hand.

Crystal: I wouldn't have changed a thing.

The end...


OH LORD ALMIGHTY! Sorry, this would've taken soon, but I was on vacation in Portugal and the reception was CRAP! I had to go to a local bar just to publish the last few chapters. I wrote this up and I just got off the plane back home 2-3 hours ago.

Hope you lot enjoyed it. Here's my plan for now

1: Meggy x Tari Accelerated pregnancy story - 10 parts

2: A month long break to think and write

3: Sonic: Dusted

4: Splezter family QnA 2.0

That's my current plan, see ya then!

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