Year 1-2

736 3 0

(Years: 1 + Months: 4)

Orange wretched as she threw up her insides into the ocean, Blue patting her back as she struggled to compose herself.

Orange couldn't explain what happened. She'd woken up that morning feeling woozy and then halfway through eating a melon, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach and ran to the shore with Blue behind her.

By the end, she leaned back against Blue and took Deep breaths.

Blue: Are you okay?

Orange: No...I feel terrible...

Blue racked her brain, trying to come up with something to find a possible cause for Orange's sickness. They'd been "intimate" together in their hut last month, but that couldn't have been the cause.

Blue: M-maybe I didn't cook that fish right...

Orange: It would make sense.

Blue: I'm so sorry Orange-

Orange: It's okay, we'll just...cook it a little longer next time...

They smiled as Blue kissed her cheek.

After a while, she sat on the beach as Blue fixed the leaf on their small hut. Holding her head, she asked herself...

Orange: What's wrong with me?

(Years: 1 + 8 months)

Blue shifted the wood around on the bed, trying to make it more stable and supporting. In the last few months, Orange had been gaining...a bit of weight and the last makeshift bed had broken under her weight.

Orange: Uh...Blue?

Her attention drifted as Orange walked back into the hut.

Blue: Something wrong Orange?

Orange: It''s my stomach. Something's happening...

She lifted her ripped T-shirt, showing that she now had a medium sized curve to her figure. Blue's eyes went wide and she moved closer, rubbing Orange's extended belly.

Blue: This is...really weird...

Orange: I know. I've tried to eat less to get rid of the weight doesn't seem to be going away.

Blue got back to her feet, putting a hand on Orange's cheek and kissing her.

Orange: I'm scared Blue...what's happening to me?

Blue: It's gonna be okay Orange, we'll figure this out.

(Years: 1 + Months: 10)

Orange hated just sitting still.

Her belly had nearly doubled in size and now it was weighing her down, so Blue insisted on doing all the outside duties. It drove her mad, knowing she couldn't do anything but sit here and get even fatter.

She was lying back In bed, trying to sleep when she felt something within her...shifting. It confused her as she sat up.

She wondered for a moment if something she ate once again didn't agree with her. But then something else happened that started her.

She felt a sharp hit against her smooth belly's skin, putting a hand on her belly to soothe the pain. When she did, something hit against where her hand used to be.

She pulled back her hand in horror, whimpering. It was then that Blue returned and saw her face.

Blue: Orange, something wrong?

Literal love IslandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon