Year 10-11

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(Years: 10 + Months: 6)

Orange successfully speared another fish and dumped into the bucket next to her. It was her turn to go fishing, leaving Blue and Crystal to do the chores while looking after Alice and Emily.

Not to mention she would've volunteered regardless.

She found the beachside near their home relaxing. Not only was it calming but...something about staring out at the open sea as the sun set in the distance. It's just made her feel at peace.

But today was different, her head throbbing a bit more today. She'd normally attribute it to the stress of having 3 children to raise.

But as she put down the spear and stared out at the sea...she felt something come to her memory...

A bright setting sun setting over a city landscape, her standing on a roof...

Someone with a purple head talking in a garbled voice, unable to understand what she was saying...

A warm embrace with the same person...

Blue giving her a soft kiss, in a room with all sorts of colourful people...

The flashes ended, orange realising she had fallen on her backside and narrowly missed hitting her head off a rock.

She sat back up and looked at the sky wondering...what was that?

(Years: 11 + Months: 0)

???: A talking squid? Am I in bikini bottom?

???: Fish girl! Duck nerd!-

???: Hey, cheating is a legitimate strategy!

???: YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME! NEVER!!! (Manic laughter)

???: You can have his body back once I'm done...

Orange jumped awake with heavy breathing, her dark dreams fading as she regained awareness of her surroundings.

She saw the campfire still sizzling with an empty food pot hanging over it.

Nearby, Crystal was playing with her sisters as they all babbled and ran after her. She lifted her head up, realising she had dozed off as her head had been resting on Blue's shoulder who realised she was awake.

Blue: Oh! Glad to see your awake sweetie, I thought something was wrong with you.

She gave a small laugh, but gazed at the floor.

Blue: their something wrong?

Orange: I don't know, I'm not sure you'll understand.

Blue: Well...try me.

Blue shuffled closer, waiting for Orange to speak her mind.

And after a deep breath, she spoke...

Orange: I've...I've been seeing flashes in my memory.

Blue's interest piqued.

Orange: I can't make them out. I see nothing but blurry colours and can only hear a few sentences but...non of them make sense. The only thing I could make out was that you were their.

Blue put a hand on Orange's shoulder.

Orange: I don't know where these are coming from or why but...I'm scared. Scared of knowing, of not knowing and feeling alone...

Blue: Orange, you're not alone...I've been having similar flashes.

Orange's head perked up immediately.

Blue: I usually see stuff like...something purple and floating...a lot of confusing looking things on a screen and lots of ducks...but I can't put them together.

She put a hand on Orange's cheek.

Blue: But I don't really think it matters that much...

Orange: don't?

Blue: No. Orange, I don't know how many years we've been here or how many more we will be...but this? Our lives here, this village, our daughter's? This is the only life I could imagine living...

Orange shed a tear, putting Blue's palm in her own.

Orange: You always know just what to say...

Blue smiled warmly as they locked in a kiss...

Crystal: Mommy, Momma! Come here!

They broke off as they saw Crystal waving over at them, Emily and Alice sitting nearby with Big grins on their faces. Grinning, they came over.

Orange: Okay Crystal, what is it?

Crystal: Okay, just watch!

Crystal looked over at her sisters, snapping her fingers to get their attention.

Crystal: Okay little sisters, (Points at Orange) Can you tell me who she is?

Emily: Ma-me!


Both Orange and Blue looked shocked, Orange especially.

Crystal: (Points at Blue) And who Is that?

Alice: Mama!

Emily: Mama! Mama!

Blue looked as if her heart had melted.

Crystal: That's right! Last one, who am I?

Alice: Cwystal!

Emily: Sis!

Crystal smiled brightly as Orange and Blue came over to hug their whole family, praising Crystal for showing them what the twins were doing.

And Orange just had to think...maybe Blue had a point?

To be continued...

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