Year 14-15 (2/2)

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(Years: 14 + Months: 9)

Orange nursed Molly as Blue lied in bed with Felicia, both just loving their daughters.

Blue: They're so cute...I feel like I might die!

Orange: I know, i feel the same...

The two of them heard a knock at the door, Orange putting her covering back on as Crystal walked in.

Crystal: Hey Mom...

Orange: Hey Crystal, are you okay?

Crystal: Yeah, Alice and Emily dozed off, so...I came to see how the babies were doing.

Orange: Their great. Little Molly here is the quiet one and Felicia is asleep.

She climbed up on the bed and looked at Molly, cooing in Orange's arms.

Crystal: Wow, she looks so little...

Orange: Well actually, she was bigger then you when you were born.

Crystal laughed, then looked curiously.

Crystal: Can...can I hold one of them?

Orange: Aw, of course you can Crystal!

She sat On the bed, gently handing her Molly as she squirmed. Crystal was very carful not to drop her.

Orange: There we go...remember to support the head.

She did just that, whimpering nervously. Those nerves vanished into thin air as Molly looked up at her, flashing a big smile.

Crystal: H-hi, I'm your big sister, Crystal. Don't worry, I'm gonna help keep you safe forever...

Orange put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

Orange: See? I always knew you would be an amazing big sister...

(Years: 15)

Orange smiled, looking around.

Crystal carefully supported Alice's hand as she tried to roast a mushroom on a stick over the fire.

Emily giggled as she tried and failed to braid Felicia's hair.

Blue smiling as she held Molly in her arms, caressing her cheek.

And Orange came to ask herself...was there really anything meaningful beyond the sea?

Here, she had a family. A home, the love of her life, lush grass yards and some of the most amazing children you could ask for.

And she wondered...why would she ever wanna leave?

Blue: Orange, is something wrong?

She broke out of her trance for a second...

Orange: No...I'm perfectly happy.




A gloved hand smashed on a desk in rage, looking over various ocean charts. Years of looking, but as long as he lived, he wasn't going to give up on finding them. They wouldn't give up on him...

He took a break, looking at a picture in his hand.

Him, Luigi, Meggy and Tari all together, Splatsquad at their best. The sight made him shed a tear...

As he grabbed a cap and headphones resting nearby.

Mario: Don't worry guys...I'll find you, no matter how long it takes...

To be continued?

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