Year 2-3

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(Years: 2 + Months: 1)

Orange opened her eyes, becoming aware of the blaring crying noise coming from the makeshift crib in their hut.

With Blue beginning to stir, Orange slipped out of her arms and stood as she looked over the crib. Inside, Crystal was thrashing about as she squirmed from her sleep.

She reached in and tried to shush her, to no avail as the Crying continued.

Orange: Cmon Crystal, Your moms need some sleep...

As if on cue, Blue awoke and sat up in their bed.

Blue: she crying again?

Orange: Yeah...she won't stay asleep for some reason. I don't understand, she has been drinking from the coconut's, right?

Blue: Yeah, she has.

Orange: And I definitely fed her the best melon I could find...

Blue: You want me to take her?

Orange: No, you...try and get some more sleep. I'm gonna go outside and see if I can sort this.

Blue nodded and rolled back to sleep as Orange stepped outside with the screaming Crystal. Orange hated her crying this early, the sun turning the sky orange as it just started to rise, dark clouds still looming above.

She sat on the beach shore, staring out at the ocean. Her ears were ringing and with the crying continuing non-stop, she didn't know what to do anymore.

She grunted as her chest pinched at her again, having been aching for a while now. Her Breasts had definitely come close to tripling in size over the last few months, but she didn't know why.

But then something else happened. For some reason, Crystal started to settle down as she grabbed at Orange's shirt, where her chest was.

Orange: Huh?

It confused her, but she became fuelled by a kind of...instinct.

Without even knowing why, she slid off her shirt and slid off her bra. She finally understood as Crystal latched on.

Orange: Heh...I guess we've been feeding you the wrong stuff, Huh?

Orange fed her for about another 2 minute before putting her shirt back on. Crystal was definitely a lot more relaxed, nuzzling into her.

Orange: Shh, shhh...just sleep little one...

(Years: 2 + Months: 4)

Crystal whined and shy'd away as Orange tried to lower her into the river. It was shallow, barely a foot deep, but she refused to go in.

Orange: Crystal, Cmon. You need a bath, it's long overdue.

She screamed out in denial. Blue was washing their clothes in the same river and frowned as Orange couldn't convince their daughter.

She set her jacket up over the branch and came over to help.

Blue: Hey Orange, you think I could try?

Orange: Well...go ahead, but I don't think you'll be able to convince her.

Orange handed Crystal over to Blue and stepped to the side take over cleaning the clothes. Blue put her forehead against Crystal's and stroked her hair.

Blue: It's okay Crystal, Momma knows how it feels to be scared.

She tilted her head in confusion.

Blue: I know it seems scary and...tough. But you never live a real life without taking any risks. Okay?

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