Chapter 1

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"Oh, hi Todoroki." It's was a nice Saturday morning and I just came back from the hospital after visiting Mum and standing at the front of the dorms training was Midoriya. He really has improved his quirk since the sport festival, and now he and me are working together at my father's hero agency. I wouldn't say I'm pleased too be around my father, but if Midoriya's will me...

Then I don't see any problems.

He greeted me with the same enchanting smile as always and I greeted back with a nod. After the sports festival when I discovered my feelings for Midoriya, over time I've realised that they've grown. My feelings are in a mess sometimes I feel angry or jealous if someone touches him.

"You went too the hospital right?" Midoriya asked, "how is your mum doing?"
"Fine," I said, " she'll be able too come home for a visit."
"That's great news!" Midoriya sat down on the front steps and I followed sitting by his side. I cool breeze washed over us and Midoriya sighed closing his eyes.

"It really is a beautiful day, huh," he smiled, admiring the peaceful moment. I just gazed at him as the wind washed through his green curls.


"Yea, it really is," I replied not taking my eyes off him. I glanced down at his hand and almost like I was in a trance, I slowly reacted out my hand too take his. However the moment my hand was about too touch his, I immediately snapped out of it and took my hand back.

What am I thinking? I thought.

Midoriya POV:

I may have been able too control One For All, however I still have plenty of work too build up too. I'm still learning too control Blackwhip and can only use 20% of One For All without breaking a single bone. I'm way behind and need too focus on building up my strength.

However I've still gotta enjoy the little things. Just sitting there in the sun felt so relaxing. The window softly howling and brushing through my hair.
"It really is a beautiful day, huh," I sighed closing my eyes.
"Yea it really is." I heard Todoroki agree. It went silent after that but it wasn't a bad silence, more of a happy type.

"Hey Mid- oh hi Todoroki." I opened my eyes and glanced around too see Uraraka and Iida standing by the door.
"Hi guys," I smiled getting too my feet, Todoroki doing the same.
"Iida, me and a few others are gonna head down too the shops!" Uraraka said, excitement filled her voice, "and I wanted too ask if you wanted too come."

"It's a lovely day so instead of wasting it, going out would be perfect," Iida said, "however we still need to be on our best behavior." I slightly laughed at how strict Iida can be. When we had our first introduction I was slightly afraid of him. However we've grown too be really good friends. Uraraka is also the same, I felt really awkward around her but time flew past in an instant.

Then we had Todoroki. I don't think we went off too a great start either, however me and him are really close now. I was planning on training for the whole morning, but I guess it could wait. After all, I did kinda need a break.
"Sure!" I smiled glancing over too Todoroki, "will you come with us?" I know he just came back from the hospital, but I was really hoping that he would. Todoroki hesitated, but let out a small sigh.

"I guess."

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