Chapter 26

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Third Person POV:

The Endeavour agency hurried over as fast as possible and when they appeared in the scene, they were all shocked too see Nomu's lurking around attacking hero's and civilians.

"You three, evacuate the citizens!" Endeavour ordered before entering the battle. The three followed commission and lend the other hero a hand evacuating the civilians.

Bakugo wasn't satisfied with the arrangement, expect we wasn't that naïve to disobey directions. He knew there'd be time for his fun.

"Thank you so much," a man said to Midoriya as he evacuated like everyone else. The hero replied with a small smile before darting away to help any other citizen. It was chaotic with everyone in a panic to get away, fortunately the hero's were able to calm them down.


Midoriya turned in an instant hearing the cry, searching for the owner of the voice until his gaze landed on a boy. The kid looked about 10 with a huge part of the building collapsed over his leg, trapping him. Without hesitation, Midoriya immediately raced over to the one in need.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be ok," the young hero reassured, beginning to dig up all the heavy bricks and within 20 seconds, the boy's leg was open to light covered with bruises and a deep big slash clarifying he can't walk.

"Is this alright?" Midoriya asked carefully picking the boy up carrying him on his back.

"Y-Yea.." the young man replied, forcing back the tears that were threatening to burst out. The green haired nodded before searching for any nearby ambulance.


The sudden yell made the young hero glance up, only to see a Nomu about to attack him. It looked similar to the very first one which attacked the USJ however instead of an ink blue, it was a blood red. Midoriya had to time to dodge as the Nomu's fist came crashing down about to kill.

That was until a wall of ice came between it's path.

"Midoriya, go now!" a voice ordered as the leaf haired boy glanced over to see Todoroki skating on his ice. He wasted no time and bolted away, searching for the ambulance.

What if Todoroki didn't make it? he thought making his stomach twist with anxiety, what would've happened then? I need to be more careful. After he was certain the boy was safe, Midoriya ran back to where the battle proceeded in search of Todoroki, only to find him battling the Nomu in a side alley.

The bicolor haired male seemed to be struggling at Midoriya could easily notice. Without thinking, the hero launched at the Nomu dispatching a kick across it's face, sending the monstrosity flying back.

"Are you ok?" Midoriya asked turning his attention to Todoroki, afraid that he'd gotten hurt. Except to his relief, there didn't seem to be any sign or fatal injuries.

"Yeah," Todoroki replied in his normal blank expression, however the two didn't bother to keep the chitchat up for that kick wouldn't stop the creature.

As if on cue the Nomu got to its feet, its eyes filled with lust for blood and planned to do anything in its power to get it. The beast launched itself at the two young hero's prepared to take it all just too crush their skulls.

Expect the two hero's had other plans up their sleeves.

As quick as a whip, the two dodged the villain's punch and the battle between them began. While Todoroki was sending fire and ice at the Nomu, Midoriya was using his super strength launching kicks and air shots at it. However the Nomu was dodging every attack as swift as a blade, humored by the miss fires...

However it's amusement was dying out.

Suddenly as Todoroki send another blow of flames at the creature, the Nomu jumped out of the way to the bicolor haired male's left giving it a strong advantage before launching itself onto him, allowing its weight to crush the hero before grabbing Todoroki throwing him into a wall of bricks.

The hero cried out in pain gritting his teeth, struggling to get back up while his bicolored eyes glaring at the Nomu. The creature had a fiery hunger for bloodshed in it's eyes, slowly walking to the defeated hero. Crap...Todoroki thought clenching his fist, fighting his body to simply stand for he knew if he didn't...he'd be dead within seconds.

Just then, the Nomu was suddenly thrown back as blackish like rope wrapped around it, throwing the monster into a building crashing right through it. Todoroki froze confused until Midoriya came running to him will a glitter of fear in his emerald eyes.

"Todoroki, are you ok!?" the green haired male immediately asked noticing both Todoroki's bleeding head and how he could barely stand.

"It's nothing don't worry," Todoroki sighed, "my back just hurts a little." Midoriya was about to help the one close to him when he suddenly felt a grip on his arm and was sent flying back before crashing to the ground. The Nomu swung Midoriya around smashing him into the ground over and over, bloody shattering the place before the villain threw the limp body right at Todoroki.

The young hero stared in horror seeing Midoriya laying emotionlessly on the ground before him, his blood painting the concrete a deep scarlet.

"Midoriya..." Todoroki mumbled his voice soft as he reached his hand to the green haired boy's cheek, except he didn't react.

Todoroki slowly pulled Midoriya in his arms, his throat beginning to clog his emotions.

"No, no, no..." he continued beginning to panic tears beginning to roll down his face. This isn't happening, he thought to himself, no this can't be happening. Just then, a deep growl broke the moment as the those bicolored eyes turned cold meeting the Nomu's. Immediately, Todoroki's mood changed from sadness to a boiling rage he had never felt, not even to his own father after the hell he made.

"YOU BASTARD!" Todoroki bellowed lifting his hand and threw raging flames at the Nomu. The monstrosity tried dodging this "attempt" hit yet again, however this time the blow was enough to flood the entire alley. The Nomu roared as it drowned in the flames before leaving the noon to a spin chill silence. The bicolored male let out a shaky sigh before slowly drifting off out of conscience.

A/n: Now I'm not fantastic at writing in Third Person, but I think I was decent with this. However I also wrote it like this to practice my third person writing skills.

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