Chapter 12

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Hearing my name, I turned around seeing Todoroki walking up to me. I don't really know why, however I felt kinda awkward since he seemed a little different. He's more angry.
"Hi Todoroki," I said greeting him with a smile, "is there something you need?"
"No," he said, "everyone's now arguing so I'm just getting some air. I'm guessing you're training?"

I nodded and Todoroki sat down on the grass. I sat down beside him and gazed up at the stars.
"The night's beautiful this evening," Todoroki said not taking his eyes of the sky. It was like a beautiful painting that was carefully made by the most talented artist to ever exist.

From the corner of my eye, I glanced at Todoroki who was just gazing up at the stars, a small smile on his face as he admired the gorgeous evening. Suddenly Uraraka's words came too mind.

"Do you like someone in our class?"
'Well...just try it and don't feel embarrassed by it. After all its not like anyone here can read minds. It's your opinion and you shouldn't be bothered by it."

I felt my face get slightly hot just remembering her words, however I guess there wasn't any harm in it. one of the attractive guys in our class and all the girls wouldn't disagree. Well...I thought, I guess he's...attractive. I buried my face in the palms of my hands, by face going a dark shaded red. What am I thinking? I thought, man this is weird.

"Midoriya, are you ok?" I suddenly flinched hearing his voice and glanced up at Todoroki. I still felt really embarrassed by what I was thinking.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, "why?"
"You just look really hot," he said suddenly making my eyes widen, "are you running a temperature?"

Just then, Todoroki reacted out his hand and placed it on my forehead.
"You are," he stated removing his hand.
"I-I don't feel hot," I said, "I...kinda have a head ache, but that's all."No I didn't feel hot or anything, I just felt...cold.
"Maybe you should take a break," Todoroki said. I just gave him a nod and we both went inside.

I went to my room and did some homework, however now I could feel myself having a temperature.
"I'll just go to bed," I muttered, putting my book away and climbing into bed. I curled up under the covers and hoped that the next day I wouldn't be sick.

And that didn't happen.

The next morning, I felt absolutely terrible. My head was throbbing, my eyes were heavy and I felt cold. Even though it was only 26 degrees. I put of some new clothes and a hoodie before heading downstairs. I don't know what the time was but when I went downstairs, I was confused when there was no one in the dorms.

"Oh morning." I looked in the lounge to see Todoroki staring at me blankly.
"Morning," I said, "hey where is everyone?" He then began to tell me how everyone went back to the shops again.
"That makes sense," I sighed.

"Yeah," Todoroki replied, "do you still have a temperature?" I didn't want too be a bother, so I simply said I was fine and my temperature wasn't that bad anymore.
"You don't look fine," he stated, "you look faint." Before I could do anything, he put a hand on my forehead again. For some reason...his touch made me feel something strange.

"You still have a temperature?" he asked, "makes sense why you don't feel fine. Maybe you should go and relax." I didn't really know what too say at his words, but just gave him a nod before getting too the couch. I felt kinda bad when Todoroki kept of giving me wet cloths for my forehead and took care of my temperature. He wasn't having fun all thanks too me, however I was also grateful that he was doing all of this for me.

Todoroki POV:

I was getting Midoriya another drink of water however when I went too hand it too him, Midoriya was asleep on the couch. I placed the glass of water somewhere and sat down next to too him, cautious to not wake him. He looked...really cute. I reached my hand out and pushed a curl behind his ear gazing at his face. I gently began stroking his freckled cheeks with my thumbs.

Just then, Midoriya began moving around making me stop what I was doing. I got up and headed too the kitchen. Just then, Midoriya was walking past the kitchen. He glanced at me and looked nervous.

"Thank you Todoroki," he said, "but I forgot about our homework." He left and I just shrugged. He must feel better then, I thought.

Midoriya POV:

When the elevator door closed, I covered my face with wide eyes. I was dozing off trying to relax when I felt someone gently touching my face. I slightly woke up too only see who it was at all I saw was Todoroki walking away. I was wide awake then. I had a thousands- no millions of questions, however I wasn't gonna be rude. I got up at when I went past the kitchen, Todoroki was there. 

I told him about the homework and walked off. The elevator door opened and I raced too my room. Did that...happen?

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