Chapter 15

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A/n: Dude I'm like so surprised that this story as already gotten up to fricken 200 reads. I'll have too go over it for any punctuation or spelling errors but still this many reads already?! But thank you so much ^ ^

Midoriya POV:

I went to bed in a blushing mess, I couldn't even focus on training! Just after Todoroki's confession I didn't know what to do. I was just glad I didn't have homework too pester me, now I'd be able too consider his feelings. I never thought of Todoroki as more than a friend, however now I didn't know how I felt about him.

"Todoroki is..." I mumbled. I sighed laying in my bed gazing up at the ceiling. Todoroki...


The next morning, I woke up and the moment I did, I remembered what happened yesterday. When I went downstairs, everyone was chatting and getting ready for school.

However there was no sign of Todoroki.

"Hey Midoriya." I turned around too see Iida walking up to me, "have you seen Todoroki?"

"Actually I was gonna ask you the same thing," I said. It wasn't like Todoroki too not wake up. He was usually the second to be awake, me being the first. I guess we're both just tired, I thought. We got too school, however I was surprised when Mr Aizawa was already there and asked if he could have a word with me.

"Midoriya, are you ok with staying at the dorms today," he suddenly said taking my surprise, "Todoroki came to the Sick Bay saying he didn't feel good and he's running a high fever. He shouldn't stay at the Medbay since more people come there with broken bones and etc. However he shouldn't stay alone either. Since you two are good friends, I thought you might as well do it."

Immediately I knew my answer. I wanted to help Todoroki since he's helped me so much, so it's the least I could do. So I went back to the dorms and grabbed a glass of water before going to Todoroki's room. I knocked before entering and sure enough, I saw him curled up in his futon. He was hearing a mask and looked really tied, struggling to stay awake. Hearing me, Todoroki slightly glanced up at my presence.

"Midoriya?" he mumbled. I went too sit down next to him holding out the glass of water for him.

"Here's some water," I said. Todoroki slowly sat up taking the water from me before pulling his mask down and drank it.
"Thanks," he mumbled, "it's been a while since I've been sick."

"Well," I said, "just...try to get some rest. Do you need anything else?" He let out a shaky sigh laying back down.

"Not really," Todoroki muttered. I felt really bad that I couldn't do anything to help.

"I'll be back," I said before getting up and leaving. I went and got a cloth before heading to the kitchen and putting some water on it. I went back too Todoroki's room and again knocked before entering.

"Todoroki?" I asked. However I didn't have to look twice too know he'd fallen asleep. I sat down beside him again, cautious to not wake him.
"Todoroki?" I mumbled, however he still didn't reply. I gently placed the wet cloth on his forehead, brushing his hair aside.

I just gazed at Todoroki who seemed so peaceful. Suddenly, I only just realized that I still had my hand brushing through his hair. I immediately pulled my hand away, my face going a shaded red from shock. What am I doing? I thought. I was about too get up and leave when from the corner of my eye, I saw a single tear fall down Todoroki's face.

"Todoroki?" I asked beginning to carefully shake him away, "Todoroki wake up. Todoroki? Todoroki?!" Todoroki's eyes opened slowly and his gaze landed on me.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He slowly sat up wiping away the tear.
"I'm alright," he insisted, "just...a bad dream. That's all."

His eyes were filled with pain and sadness, that made me immediately know that talking about it was the last thing he wanted to do. I had a thought, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. However in that moment...Todoroki actually looked as if he wanted to cry.

So I held my breath, before hugging him. Todoroki froze at my sudden embrace, but relaxed and hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You know you might get sick," he said making me sigh.
"That's fine," I said, "a little cold hasn't hurt anyone."

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