Chapter 11

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Todoroki POV:

I wanted to tell him, tell him how I felt and how I wanted to cherish him. However it came out wrong. My heart was bounding as I gazed into his emerald orbs about to confess. However I just couldn't...

Not yet.

Midoriya and I went back too the dorms and I went to my room to continue my homework. Also too relax since I had a lot on my mind.

Midoriya POV:

The weekend came by in an instant. Everyone in class thought it was a great idea too go to the ice rink so we all agreed. When we all got there, we paid and got our own skates. I put mine on and waited for Iida and Uraraka with Todoroki. When we entered the rink, cool air touched my skin sending a shiver to run down my spine.

"I'm so exited," Uraraka cried. As we all stepped onto the ice, most of us weren't exactly perfect. However the longer were the more we got use too it. I could see and a few people like Sero were using their quirks to get around. It seemed that you were allowed too, since no one got in trouble. I was able too stand and skate around, however every now and then I'd almost fall over. But I got a good rhythm and was able to skating faster and faster every minute.

"Move out of my way Deku!"

I suddenly felt someone violently push me and I glanced too see Kacchan skating past me. I began too loss my balance again and couldn't stand without skating around. My stand broke and I was about too crash my head in the ice, when I felt someone grab my hand and pulling me close. I glanced up and my face went a bright read when I saw Todoroki.

"T-Thanks," I said realising the position I was in. I was holding him, my arms wrapped around his neck and he held my shoulders gently but in a grip that didn't make me slip.

I moved away, but carefully so I didn't fall again.

"You've been doing it wrong," Todoroki said catching my attention, "don't try focusing on your feet but what's in front of you. Also, don't try leaning forward as much unless you're certain you won't loss balance. Like this."

Todoroki began too skate around at I watched him as he grew speed until he didn't need too push off with his skates. The way he skated was amazing, like the way he skates when using his quirk, but it was different. He looked more...elegant. He came too a sudden stop in front of me.

"Try it but slowly," he instructed. I nodded and began to skate, however the moment I moved I began too shake. Suddenly, Todoroki grabbed my hand before I could fall again.

"Here, like this," he said as we slowly began too skating. I watched how Todoroki did it and I copied his movements. I soon was able too retrieve my balance again and at that point I was able too skate without his.

"Thanks," I said coming too a stop on the wall next too him. He just gave me a nod as we continued to skate. Soon we all got up and began too leave.

"Hey Deku!" I glanced around seeing Uraraka running up too me and Todoroki.
"You were really great back there," she said.

"Oh thanks," I laughed, "but its really thanks to Todoroki since he helped."

For a single moment, the mood changed intensely. For I glanced at Todoroki and felt a shiver run down my spine as he glared at Uraraka with this cold stare.

We got back to the dorms and Uraraka asked if we could talk in private. Of course I said yes, however I really wanted to get some training done. We went outside too have a chat.

"You seem to have something one your mind," she said, "is everything ok?" I decided that since I told her I might as well explain. So I did.

"You're questioning your sexuality?" she repeated. I gave her a nod.

"Something in me is still attracted to girls," I sighed, "however I think I like boys..." Uraraka stared me for a moment giving me a sympathetic look when her face suddenly lit up, as if he had a solution.

"Do you like someone in our class?" she asked catching me off guard. We barely saw the other classes until every once in a while in training, so it was understandable why she asked this.

"N-No!" I cried, "well at least I don't think. Plus, I feel like seeing the same gender attractive in my eye feels...strange." I also felt bad since I told Uraraka I didn't like her in that way, however she didn't seem bothered by it.

'Well..." she sighed, "just try it and don't feel embarrassed by it. After all its not like anyone in class can read minds. It's your opinion and you shouldn't be bothered by it."

After Uraraka's little encouragement, I felt slightly more better. We went back inside and had dinner. Iida kept on ordering everyone too go to bed since it was very late, however everyone kept on snapping back that it was only Saturday. While this was happening, I went outside too begin my training. I went around to the grass at the front and began using Shoot Style, wishing too get more strength in the kick. I had been noticing that my lack of physical strength without using One For All and also needed to fix that.

It just feels like everything has been on my shoulders.


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