Chapter 17

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I dodged at the very last moment as the villain shot it's quirk right at me. There was a bank robbery but Endeavour, Kacchan, Todoroki and I were able too catch up too the criminals, however one of the villain's quirk lost control and now we're in this mess.

"Die you bastard!" Kacchan yelled creating a huge explosion directed to the villain, however the crimson jumped out of the way. The villains quirk was similar too Kacchan's, expect it seemed to be more stronger. It was getting out of hand that even other hero's at this point were called in.

"You little shit," the villain scoffed, launching an explosion right at Kacchan. He dodged, giving me the opportunity to use Blackwhip sending it at the criminal.

However instead of dodging, the villain grabbed it like a rope, and swung me around crashing into a building, by back first. I cried in agony collapsing too the ground, but I reluctantly got back up.


I glanced up to see the villain with a psychotic grin across his face, before directing a giant explosion at me. I closed my eyes prepared for the worse, but I felt someone ruffle push me and the attack never came. I slowly opened my eyes and my gaze immediately landed on where I was before. My blood ran cold seeing the person who pushed me out of the way, allowing themselves too take my place.


Todoroki POV:

I pushed Midoriya out of the bridge of the attack before he could get hit, however I did instead and everything went black.


My eyes slowly fluttered open and I recognised my surroundings as a hospital. I was lying in a bed and carefully sat up. It was evening outside, the stars glittering in the dark blue sky. What happened? I thought looking down at my hand, where's Midoriya?

"Oh, you're awake." I glanced up too see a nurse walk into the room, holding a notepad. As if she knew what I was about too say, she answered for me.

"You've been in a coma for 3 days," she stated, "that attack you were in didn't affected any fatal parts, however you hit your head pretty hard and passed out. To be honest, it's a surprise you didn't crack you're head open."

I didn't show any expression as she continued too speak about my health, but I wasn't worried about that.

I was worried about Midoriya.

"Oh, your friend," she suddenly said grabbing my attention, "Izuku Midoriya I think. His injuries weren't as bad as yours. He recovered and was allowed too leave, but he didn't want to leave. He wanted to wait for you too wake up. However, he's been visiting you for the past 3 days, morning and noon."

I was too stunned to speak, my heart beginning too beat faster in my chest.
"We'll give you a few more check ups," she said, "and you'll be staying for the rest of the week." It was only two more days until the weekend, so I could wait. I wonder if he'll visit again...

Midoriya POV:

As I arrived at the hospital in the morning, I immediately went too Todoroki's room. I felt terrible that he got hurt thanks too me, but yet I couldn't be more thankful that he saved me. I'll have to repay him somehow, I thought opening his room.
However I froze as I saw him sitting up gazing out the window, but his attention turned too me hearing his door open.

"You're awake!" I cried sitting by his side, "h-how are you feeling?"

It went silent for a moment before I began to speak.

"I'm sorry," I said looking down at my feet, "it's because of me that you ended up here. I should've kept my guard up-"Just then I felt something touch my cheek. I glanced at Todoroki who was stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"You're apologising for nothing," he said, "I'm just glad you're ok." A small smile grew on his face making my heart suddenly jump. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I gazed into his bicolored orbs.Todoroki has done nothing but being a caring friend to me. Sure he barely shows emotions, however just his small smile will make my heart beat. He's selfless, nice and...

I like him.

A/n: I finally did all of my tests and I am 100% certain that I did NOT past history. Like don't get me wrong its cool to learn the past and all, but I don't get why we have to do bloody assignments on Ancient Egypt unless you wanna become a historian or something. But I'm planning on becoming something else so ya.

Anyways sorry for the late upload and I'll try to post the next chapter soon :)

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