Chapter 19

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Todoroki POV:

It went dead silent after those words escaped his mouth. I was actually shocked by his answer and didn't understand.
"But..." I said, "you just said-"
"I like you Todoroki," he repeated, "the same way as you probably. But...I can't think of those feelings at the moment."

"We're trying to become hero...and we're getting so close to our goals. Now isn't the time to be think of...romantic feelings. I'm sorry Todoroki, I really am." I just stared at him blankly as Midoriya kept his gaze low from mine. I know it sounds selfish but I still didn't get it, since our feelings are mutual. However, I'll respect his decision.

"I understand," I stated as he glanced back up at me, "we'll continue to get alone as we have in the past." From the look in Midoriya's eyes I could tell he seemed relieved, maybe because he thought what he was saying was insulting. But it wasn't insulting, instead just confusing.

"Yeah," Midoriya said, "sorry..."

"But-" I said catching his attention, "I'll be still liking you in this way..." Midoriya just gazed at me with astonishment but just nodded.

"Ok," he said, "then I'll also continue too like you..."

Midoriya POV:

It had been a few days after that day, but Todoroki and I haven't allowed it too affect our friendship. I still felt bad for rejecting Todoroki, however we're all so close to our goals. However I still need time...

I need to keep training One For All to achieve my dream in becoming a pro, and to do that I can't be thinking of romantic feelings at the moment. I'm sorry...


The alarm went off as I jumped out the way of a crashing boulder. Before I could hit the ground, Sero's tape caught me at the last moment.
"Nice work today Midoriya," he said with a smile, and I humbly returned it.

"Right back at ya," I said. Todoroki's confessing was about a month ago, but when I decided we should just be friends was only about 3 weeks ago.

I glanced around, seeing Todoroki and Kaminari for the next pare's for todays training. I couldn't help but gaze at Todoroki from the corner of my eye.

"But I think we should just be friends..."
"We're trying to become hero...and we're getting so close to our goals. Now isn't the time to be think of...romantic feelings. I'm sorry Todoroki, I really am."


"Hey Midoriya, did you say something?" Sero suddenly asked making me jump.
"Ah sorry!" I cried, "was I talking aloud again!?" Sero followed his gaze too where I was staring.

"If you look at it, Todoroki and Kaminari are an interesting duo," Sero stated, "probably because their quirks don't match together in a team. It's just seems...unbalanced, well you're the smartest when it comes too everyone's quirk. So what do you think?"

"Um...about the same as you."

After class when everyone was now at the changing rooms, Mr Aizawa was talking to me about how I was improving and how I should keep up the work. Either way, I was planning to do so. When I entered the changing rooms, I was surprised to see Todoroki still there simply on his phone still in his hero suit. He glanced up hearing me enter.

"Hi," he greeted.
"Hey, did everyone go back to the dorms?"

I went my locker beginning too get changed, Todoroki doing the same. Maybe it was his Dad, I thought.

"I overhead you and Sero talking," Todoroki suddenly stated, "about quirks."

"Oh, we were just talking about how every quirk has its advantages and disadvantage," I replied. Todoroki hummed beginning to put on his uniform.

"Yeah, for whoever went ahead in our team would take the lead in the attack, making it unfair for the other," Todoroki said, "so it did make sense when we lost points when Kaminari ran ahead."

"Also true."

"Yeah, but anyway..."

Just then, a hand pressed against my locker and something pressed against my bare back. Or I should say someone...
My heart was dangerously beating as I glanced from the corner of my eye at Todoroki, his bicolored orbs filled with confusion.

"You were watching me, weren't you." It wasn't a question, but more of a stated sending a shiver down my spine.

"I-I...don't know what you're talking about," I said keeping my eyes forward, not daring to turn around.
"I saw you staring at me Midoriya," he continued, "don't act like it's not true." I was now stuck, uncertain of the next step.

"It wasn't like that," I declared, "we're just friends-"

"Do friends often stare at each other like that?" His tone in voice was begin to grow more serious and louder.
"I didn't realize what I was doing." I knew Todoroki wasn't going to give up to prove a point, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Midoriya it doesn't matter how you look at it, but staring at each other like that isn't normal-"

"You think I don't know that!?" I suddenly cried catching him off guard, "I know, but you should say things like that! We're just-"

"'Things like that?'"

I froze, suddenly realising my words and sudden frustration.
"Wait, I didn't mean-" I said turning to face him, but Todoroki had already grabbed his things before leaving the room. Oh no, I thought, what's wrong with me...

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