Chapter 21

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Todoroki POV:

His lips were soft and plump as they connected to mine. I wanted to make the kiss deeper, however it was to soon. After all that could wait. I honestly felt awful after snapping at Midoriya that day, allowing my anger to drive me. I didn't understand, but that gave me no right to pester him. However now I understand better than before and I get why he'd think that.

But I want to be there for him.

After a long moment, we both broke the kiss and I gazed into his emerald eyes.

"Let's go," I insisted, taking his hand in mine. He nodded, a small smile on his face making my heart melt. We began talking again and it felt amazing too hear him laugh, for left like an eternity since I last witnessed it.

When we arrived in front of the dorms, Midoriya came to a sudden stop his grip on my hand loosed as it dropped to his side.
"Uh Todoroki," he lowering his gaze.


"I don't wanna sound rude in any way," he continued, "but...can we keep this...private- for the time begin. If you're ok with it...? I just...don't feel comfortable...coming out." I didn't dare interrupt as he said this. After a short but painful silence, I just gave him a small smile.

"I understand," I said, "you can take all your time." It was understandable why he didn't feel comfortable coming out, and besides I wasn't planning of sharing it like some birthday party.

Midoriya's face lit up as his eyes met mine.

"Thank you," he cried with a huge smile. I couldn't help myself as I leaned in giving him a kiss on the cheek his face turning a shaded red in responses, frozen like a statue as I walked inside.

Midoriya POV:

"Wait, so you and Todoroki are" Uraraka asked me. We both were sitting in the lounge room alone I told her everything that happened, why I was so quiet for the past few days.

"I believe so, yeah," I sighed, "but please don't tell anyone."
"Oh yeah sure," she said.

I felt like Uraraka was the only person I could trust to keep this a secret for now. Sure I know for a fact that Iida would keep the secret to his grave, but I've already told Uraraka and I think only one person needs to know for the time being.

"OI EXTRAS!" we heard Kacchan bellow from the kitchen, "DINNERS FINISHED!" Uraraka face changed from normal to frightened.

"I hope he didn't spike it with hot sauce again," she sighed, as we both got to our feet.

"Fingers crossed," I laughed. We got our food and began eating. Mineta was the unlucky one who got his tongue on fire. Me, Iida, Uraraka, Asui and Todoroki we talking but from the corner of my eye Uraraka had a smirk on her face.

After dinner, I was absolutely full sitting down on one of the couches. It was the weekend but Iida was still trying to say we all needed to go to bed early. The tv was on and I was just watching it, feeling my eyes grow heavy. I tried forcing them open, but eventually I gave in a fell asleep.

Todoroki POV:

"Iida come on man," Kirishima cried, "it's only 8pm."

"Correct," Iida continued, "but others must go to their hero agency's tomorrow." I was just at the table watching the battle until finally everyone was heading to bed. I got up, cleaned my dishes and was about to head to bed until I saw Midoriya on the couch.

The tv was still playing and I walked over, only to see him sleeping. I grabbed the remote turning the show off at began gently shaking Midoriya to wake up, but he didn't budge. I sighed looking around in the empty room. Maybe... I thought gazing down at his peaceful face, reaching my hand to brush a curl out of the way. I sighed crouching down pulling him into my arms and picking him up, and still he didn't even react. Wow, I thought, he's pretty light.

I carried him to the elevator and carefully pushed the button as we both headed in. It arrived on his level at I carried him until I was facing his door.

"Midoriya," I mumbled softly, but still he didn't. I just chuckled, opening the door with one hand before crossing the room to his bed. I carefully placed Midoriya down and pulled the quilt over him. I didn't think twice before leaning in to kissing his forehead.

"Good night," I whispered before getting up and closing the door behind me. In truth, my heart was drumming.


A/n: I've finally written this chapter! I don't know how long this story is going to continue for, so I might either do like one more chapter, make a sequel or not be a lazy bastard and finish this 😅

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