Chapter 10

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Todoroki POV:

I don't know why but a boiling anger grew inside of me when I saw Midoriya and Uraraka walking inside that closet together. Uraraka is one of my friends and I don't have a problem her, however in that moment I was fucking furious with her. I decided to leave for I didn't want to find out what they did together alone, even if it was just talking.

I went to take a shower and when I was certain I was alone, I let out a shaky sigh. I have never allowed my emotions too go this far and I couldn't describe it. My heart was aching and I jus felt pathetic.

Well it wasn't like me and Midoriya were dating. After I got dressed I went too my room only too find my door open. I raised an eyebrow before walking in only to see Midoriya. Confusion grew over me.

"Midoriya?" I asked making him turn around in shock.

"Sorry," he suddenly said, "I just wanted too check on you. Since you left half way mid game."

Of course he did, Midoriya is just that person. That's that I love about him.

"Thank you, but I'm alright," I said. However he didn't seem too buy it.

"You sure?" he asked seeming very concerned. I just gave him a small nod and he hesitated before leaving.

"Well let me know if you need anything," Midoriya said before going back downstairs. When I was certain he was gone I let out a sigh and went into my room closing the door behind me.

I sat down on the floor and glanced at my left hand.

"Maybe I should tell him," I thought out loud before getting up and setting up my futon. It was only 4pm but I allowed myself too have a small sleep before dinner.

The weekend and ended very quickly and we were back in school.

Midoriya POV:

For some reason, I felt nervous. I don't know why however I wasn't exactly chatty that day. Uraraka and me still continued hanging out, however something just didn't feel right. I have begun questioning my sexuality but now I'm jus stuck. I feel as if I do like the same gender but yet I also like the opposite gender too. Maybe I'm bi, I thought as Mr Aizawa was talking to the whole class.

I was too busy being stuck in deep thought that I didn't even realize Mr Aizawa was calling my name.

"Midoriya," he said in a loud voice breaking me out of my trance, "if you're not going to pay attention than I suggest you might as well leave."

"S-Sorry sir," I said feeling ashamed.

I shouldn't be letting stuff like this distract me. I'm so close too my goal that I can't just stop focusing now. After class, everyone left expect me to I can write down the notes that I wasn't paying attention too. Just then, someone sat in Kacchan's seat facing me.

I glanced up surprised to see Todoroki.

"Hey," I said confused, "do you need something Todoroki?" He just shook his head staring at me with those bicolored eyes.

"I'm just waiting for you too finish," he said putting his notebook in front of me, allowing me to write down his notes.

"Y-You don't have to do that," I insisted, "I don't wanna waste your time."

"But I want too," he said, "also this isn't wasting time." I felt slightly happy that he thought about waiting for me, so I reluctantly wrote down his notes. We talked as I did this about the League of Villains attacks lately and how we should stop it.

"For some reason," I said, "they don't seem random and how they were planned. Ok I'm finished." I closed my notebook and allowed myself too stretch. It's like all the pressure I had in my mind was now long forgotten.

"Let's go," I sighed, "Iida and the others are probably wondering where we are."


"Yeah what's up?"

Todoroki was about to say something, but hesitated for a single moment.

"I remember there was an ice rink around somewhere," he said, "do you wanna perhaps invite a few of the others too come alone on the weekend?" I could feel my face light up at the question.

"That sounds like a great idea," I cried, "however I don't really skate, so I'm gonna be pretty bad. But it wont hurt to give it a try."

We both left the classroom and from the corner of my eye I could see a small smile on Todoroki's face.

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