Chapter 5

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Todoroki POV:

Bakugo, Midoriya and I were in a room filled with pro hero's and other hero's in training. There had been more sitings of the LOV and more crime because of this.

"The league have been attacking in random zones all over the city," Endeavor stated, "the last attacks were in zone 6, 3 and 9."

"It doesn't make sense,"Ryuko said, "these are just out of choice."
"For now we should patrol the zones close by," Mirko suggested, "in case the League attacks again." After the meeting, we all returned too Endeavor's agency and Midoriya was lost in deep thought, beginning too mutter again.

"GOD DAMMIT DEKU YOU BASTARD!!!" Bakugo shouted, "COULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!?" Midoriya flinched at the sudden outburst, but was still thinking.

"Midoriya," I said, "are you alright?" He glanced up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah I'm fine," he insisted, "I'm just thinking about the meeting before." I just nodded, however...I felt slightly worried.

Midoriya POV:

I was thinking about the LOV attacks and how they were so random. It was kinda stressful since it's been months since they became active. The first was the USJ attack. After a long day me, Todoroki and Kacchan went back too the dorms. Just then, Mina ran up too us with excitement.

"Guys we're playing Truth or Dare," Mina said with excitement, "wanna join?" Kacchan just rolled his eyes and pushed past and went too his room. Mina just sighed and glanced at us.

"Do you guys wanna play?" Mina asked. I was planning too do training, so I kindly declined.

"Pleasssse!?" Mina begged, "please, please, please, please, PLEASSSSE?!"
"Ok, ok," I sighed, "just one round." Mina squealed and grabbed my arm dragging me too the lounge with everyone else. Todoroki followed us in shortly afterwards. We all sat in a circle, and the game began.

Todoroki POV:

"Denki truth or dare," Sero said. Kaminari hesitated for a moment but just laughed.

"Dare," he said. Everyone began whispering at Kaminari's sudden decision, and Sero grew a huge smile across his face, as if he planned it.

"You know the song "Die Young" by Kesha, right?" Sero asked, "I dare get a loud speaker, walk up too Bakugo's room, blast that song and bang on his door." Everyone suddenly began laughing and Kaminari looked horrified. Yaoyorozu created a loud speak and gave it too Kaminari as we all headed upstairs.

Midoriya looked pretty worried while everyone else was snickering. It seemed that me, Iida, Midoriya, Uraraka and Asui were the only ones not laughing. Let's say it didn't end well. Kaminari got a black eye while everyone was struggling for air, laughing too much. The game continued and then it came to me.

"Todoroki, truth or dare?" Hagakure asked. I thought deeply about this and decided that I didn't wish too make a mess like Kaminari.

"Is it truth have a crush?" I wasn't exactly pleased about this question since it was something personal, but yet it was part of the game.

"Yes I do." Everyone froze with shock at my words, gazing at my like I did a trick. What's the big deal?
"Omg, you have too tell us!" Mina cried, however I shook my head.

"That's my choice too tell," I said.
"Ok but can you tell us their personality?" I looked down too my feet, uncertain on if I should tell them.
"They're the most kindest person I've ever met," I said, "they're alway nice too their friends and is selfless. They always help others and have helped me..."

"His smile is bright and beautiful. I think I really do care for him since he's helped me plenty of times. That's what I like about him." I glanced back up too see everyone staring at me with amazement.

"That's so cute!" Mina cried.
"Todoroki." I glanced at the direction of the voice too see Midoriya, "if you really like him, you should definitely ask him out. I'm sure he'll say yes."

I glanced down at the ground, my face slightly curving into a smile.

"I think I might..."

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