Chapter 4

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"Deku, are you ok?" I glanced up from my desk too see Uraraka staring at me with a concerned look. I just gave her a weak smile and nodded.
"Yea, I'm fine," I insisted," don't worry about me." I stayed up on Sunday night, training and I was just really tired. I was planning too go to bed earlier next time.

Just then, the door opened and Mr Aizawa entered the classroom.
"Everyone too your seats," he ordered, and without hesitation everyone sat down. Mr Aizawa began to speak about something however I was struggling to even keep my eyes open. I was so tired, and that made me feel pathetic. And I should be working hard not trying to sleep. However my body was telling me that I needed rest.

Maybe...closing my eyes wouldn't be that bad, I thought. However the moment I did I fell into a deep sleep.

Todoroki POV:

As Mr Aizawa was speaking, I couldn't help but drive my gaze to Midoriya. He was resting his head on his desk and I could see his chest going up and down. Is he asleep? I thought.
"You can do whatever you want," Mr Aizawa said as he climbed into his sleeping bag. Immediately, the mood in the classroom changed. Everyone was so chatty and excited.

However Midoriya didn't move a muscle.

The bell eventually run, and everyone left for lunch, leaving Midoriya and me. I got up from my desk and went his, planning on waking him. He looked peaceful sound asleep, making my heart clench all of a sudden.
"Midoriya?" I asked taking a seat in Bakugo's chair. But still no responses.

Just then, a green curl fell over his face and still he did even react. Without even thinking, I gently reached out my hand and moved the curl out of the way. His hair was so soft than how it looked. I didn't even know what I was doing as I began too gently play with the curl around my finger, and still Midoriya didn't wake up.

"Cute..." I mumbled under my breath.
"Todoroki, Midoriya, you still here?!" In time, I dropped the strain of hair as Midoriya woke up hearing his name. He glanced at me and was shocked by my presence.
"T-Todoroki!?" he asked.
"Morning," I said, slightly amused by his confusion. Just then, Asui and Uraraka walked in seeing the two of us.

"Guys come on!" Uraraka whined, "I wanna get lunch please!"
"S-Sorry," Midoriya said getting too his feet. I did the same and we all walked out. Midoriya kept on apologizing at how he dozed off and wouldn't do it again, however I could tell by they way he was talking he still felt tired.

"You don't have too apologize," Asui said, "you were just tired. It happens, kero."

Midoriya POV:

I felt horrible. Just closing my eyes and immediately I fall asleep. That shouldn't happen. I need to stay focus more and not waste my time, that includes others. As I was thinking of this a few people were running down the hallway and I didn't notice them. What are the bumped into me.
"Shit sorry!"

I began losing my balance and almost fell. I closed my eyes ready but I fell arms wrapped around my waist catching me and pulling me to their chest. I open my eyes, and my face went bright pink as I realized I was in Todoroki's arms.
"I-I'm so sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to-"
"Midoriya, it's fine," Todoroki said, making me calm down a little. He let my go and we continued walking down too the cafeteria.

However the blush on my face didn't relax. I was wide awake now.

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