Chapter 22

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Midoriya POV:

My eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling the breaking sun glow as I recognised the surroundings of my room. I sat up in bed, confused. I don't remember going to bed, I thought, did I just forget. It took me a second to finally put in in pieces.

"Good night."

I got up, as it hit me. Todoroki...?


The school day went by slowly as usual until it was finally hero training. We all got dressed as Iida, Todoroki and I were talking. I had already asked Todoroki if I fell asleep and thanked him.

"Well..." I remember him saying, "you are my boyfriend."

I still couldn't get that out of my head. How can he say it so simply, I thought, we've only not long ago! But hey, that's Todoroki. We all headed to the training course that awaited, with Mr Aizawa waiting for us all.

"So let's begin," he sighed as we all payed attention, "you'll be split into groups of 5 for todays combat training."

He then held up a capture weapon, similar to the very first combat training we ever did at UA.

"Two teams will be up against each other and however has the least team mates in 20 minutes will be the losers. However, if you find the other team's prison you'll be granted to seat your team mates free. Does that make sense?"

This kinda made me get a "capture the flag" type thought, but it made sense. We were already set in teams that Mr Aizawa showed us.

Team A: Rikido Sato, Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Koji Koda, Katsuki Bakugo

Team B: Ochaco Uraraka, Hanata Sero, Momo Yaoyorozu, Mashirao Ojiro

Team C: Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido, Toru Hagakure, Fumikage Tokoyami

Team D: Mezo Shoji, Tenya Iida, Minoru Mineta, Kyoka Jiro, Denki Kaminari

"Alright," Mr Aizawa said drawing out the two teams as usual, reading them.

"Team A vs Team C," he read making the atmosphere cold. I glanced over at Team A, feeling a shiver run down my spine as Kacchan was glaring at me. Oh no...I thought immediately looking away.

"Now, Team A and C get into your positions," Mr Aizawa said, "the least of you follow me outside to watch."

We had a few minutes too get into positions, and I was trying to figure out a plan for the up coming match.

"Dang," Kirishima sighed scratching the back of his head, "not only have they got Bakugo, but Todoroki too." I bit my lip as we walked on. That's what I'm worried about...

Sure this was just normal training as always, however I was up against Todoroki. Before at the sports festival was completely different for now we're dating. What if I accidentally hurt him? I thought, would it affect our relationship? However I was cut off with a small tap on the shoulder, glancing over to see Mina.

"You good there Midoriya?" she asked, "or you just zoning out?"

"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to!" Soon we all began discussing our plan. For the uneven groups, it was challenging to figure out a plan, but we all agreed for Tokoyami and Hagakure too protect the prison from the other team and Kirishima, Mina and I would split up to find the other prison and if lucky capture their team.

For communication, we all had earbuds to call in case anything happens. Like if one of us does get captured they can tell us their location in the course.

"Team A and C," Mr Aizawa said over the speakers, "your time begins now." The siren bellowed beyond the silence, and the battle began.

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