Chapter 6

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Midoriya POV:

It was happening again. I was in the middle of nowhere with no one around. It was dark, however bright enough too see. I called for someone, anyone but no one returned my cry's. I began walking and walking and walking. There was no sign of me going anywhere, or even if I was walking at all.

I began too hear voices from all around, however they were small and like whispers. I couldn't understand, however in every sentence I could hear the words "give up" "useless" "nothing"...


I knew the voices were addressing too me, but I tried ignoring them even if it hurt. They opened scars that couldn't be stitched back. Just then, in the distance I could see something. I began running towards it, until I came too a sudden stop. It was just a huge crater in the ground and and in it was black abyss.

"What?" I asked myself glancing back around. There was still no one. Suddenly the ground began too crumbly and I fell, I let out a cry as I fell into the crater. I called out for help and but the voices just laughed at me.

"Weak" "Pathetic" "Useless"


The words wrapped around me like arms, dragging me down and down into the crater. Until there was nothing.

I woke up hearing a knock on my door, tears rolling down my face. I grabbed my phone only too see it was 2am. I got up too answer my door, confused on who's be up this late. I was shocked too see Todoroki looked at me with a worried look.
"Todoroki?" I asked. Suddenly, he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, making my face going a shaded red.

"You were crying..." I froze at his words. Was I that loud? I thought, or was he awake still? No it's a school night...
"Sorry-" I began, however hearing this, his grip slightly tightened.
"It's not your fault," he said, "I just...wanted too make sure my friend was ok."

For some reason, butterflies erupted in my stomach. I hesitated before I hugged him back, breathing shakily after my nightmare.
"Thank you," I mumbled.
"It's ok," he said in a soft voice.

The truth was now...

I didn't know how I felt about Todoroki...

Todoroki POV:

I don't know what came over me, but I was still up and I felt as if something was wrong. I went too the elevator too Midoriya's level and when he opened the door, his eyes looked slightly red and slightly puffy.
"Todoroki?" he asked confused and worried, before I suddenly pulled him into my embrace.

Midoriya is really kind and helps others, however when someone helps him he immediately apologies or says thank you. He feels bad either way.
"You were crying," I said. It was silent for a moment but Midoriya broke it.

"It wasn't your fault," I said, "I just...wanted too make sure my friend was ok." It went silent for a moment before I felt Midoriya hug me back.

"Thank you," he mumbled. I never felt like this in my whole life, not too anyone and even then did I realize I wouldn't be this...protective. I never wanted too let him go in fear he'll get lost or sad. I don't know how my emotions work, but...

I don't think saying I like Midoriya describes enough of my feelings anymore...

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