37 | Cracked the Code

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That same night, back at hopper's cabin El and Max where sat on her bed, a empty bottle of coke lay there, ready to be spun. The two where laying out a load of names on paper, setting them down in a circle around the bottle; Dustin, Steve, Mia, Nancy, Mr Wheeler, Billy and Stiles.

"Holy shit, I cant believe we're really doing this." Max laughed as she finished writing Billy's card, turning it so the name faced the bottle, "Ready?"

"Ready." El replied, sighing before she spun the bottle,

as it stopped they both read out the name "Mr. Wheeler"

"Ugh. Boring" Max scoffed,

"Yeah, boring"

"Spin again"

She went to spin but looked back up at Max "Mia says, that is against the rules."

"This isn't normal spin the bottle, we make our own rules"

El nodded and took her extra spin, this time landing on Mia,

"Speak of the devil" Max chuckled "Do you want to spin again?"

"Mia isn't boring" She smiled, watching her red head friend as she grabbed the radio and blind fold,

"If she is doing something that makes you uncomfortable just... get out of there" She warned as she flicked through the channels, getting the static noise to drown the room, the second the white noise started El pulled the blindfold over her eyes and thought of her sister.


The static noise stopped as she found herself in the darkness, the sound of Metal music coming from a few feet away, a busted white door appearing in front of her. She approached it. The music got louder, and so did the sound of giggling,

"I think i found her..." She informed max, her hand hoovering over the handle,

"What do you mean you think?"

"There is a door. And Music... and laughing"

"Can you open the door?"

She tried. It opened, "Yes" As she took a step forward the room started appearing, band posters all over the walls, a expensive looking guitar hanging on the mirror, clothes all over the floor. The room was full of smoke. The giggling got louder from behind her, so she turned, instantly finding Mia and Eddie laying next to each other on the bed,

"Wait Eddie that's not fair!! You just took two hits, its my turn now" Mia groaned, trying to grab the weird looking cigarette from his outstretched hand,

"Uh nope. You ditched me all night to hang out at starcourt mall! I think I deserve more than you" he laughed, blowing more smoke into the room,

El walked closer, she noticed their how their eyes where red, and they couldn't stop laughing,

"El? was she in there?" Max's echoed voice scared her,

"Yes. She is with her friend. They are smoking" She looked around, seeing the crate of beer on the floor next to the bed, Mia's hand reaching down into it "And drinking"

"Hey what are you doing, princess?" The boy peered over her "Your not trying to steal the last beer are you?"

"No... of course not" She smiled at him, her hand still creeping into the crate. Eddie only huffed and grabbed her hips, pulling her onto his lap, making el back away, her eyebrows furrowed, "Eddie..." Mia whispered, her hips moving. He smirked and grabbed her face, pulling her down towards him, smashing his lips against hers.

El's face shrivelled up before getting herself out of there,


"Gross" She panted, placing the blindfold down on her lap,

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