Chapter 3

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The next day was a pure definition of gloomy weather

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The next day was a pure definition of gloomy weather. When Jungkook woke up he cracked his neck only to be met by pain due to strained muscles as a result of his posture, shit he slept on a desk he should've expected that much. He called his receptionist to bring him a coffee and turned to take a look out of the glass walls of his office only to realize that the clouds were dark grey shadowing the view of city making it look grey fading the colours of buildings merging it with the greyish tone of roads making it look like evrything was still in the moment. It will rain damn hard, he thought. It was just morning but it looked like evening, a heavy day indeed.

Jungkook liked watching raindrops falling, creating pitter patter sound that was soothing when it's calm and quiet provided he was settled in his home with a cup of warm tea to sip on with some indie music playing on background just to fill the silence of his room. He liked the way raindrops fell on the earth, on trees and building as cars, like a lover letting themselves fall in the arms of their lovers, surrendering themselves in their embrace to become one with them and soak them with their touch,  quenching the thirst of lover yearning for the intimacy of connection with all their being, melting the drops and making them surrender for their touch and let them taste every aspect of the drop until they become one, leaving each other's essence, never leaving the embrace until they evaporate. 

After doing his morning routine in private bathroom attached to his big office, he enjoyed his morning coffee, fixed his clothes once again and went out for his meeting following his schedule as always. He realized that Jin was not coming in today, which he more or less expected but didn't expect Yoongi to look so distracted and worried. He was not sure how to interpret the expression he had on his face. He shrugged it off and started with the meeting about the intern he is planning to assist with their work much to Yoongi's surprise and looked through the resumes of applicants shortlisting few candidates. 

Yoongi shared his schedule with HR Team to sync the interviews with him accordingly. Jungkook went through shortlisted candidates to approve them with a nod, if Yoongi was satisfied then he didn't want to intervene, and he was seriously feeling tired not getting more than a couple of hours of sleep. After he was done there, Jungkook dragged himself only to find more files piled up on his desk, he sighed rubbing his face with his hand and proceeded to take his place and started working with pace to complete his work again. 

He was going through proposals where he realized there was this one proposal he might have to prioritize as it was requested by one of the well-known and prestigiousc colleges, his own alma mater, Seoul National University . They wanted his company to re-design their college merchandise as well as re-design interiors of their schools and departments respresenting their uniqueness through artistic demonstrations and it was a manageable project worth the return they will be getting, it was a profitable business. His company specialised in designing clothes to houses to everything one can think of, what made it big was they were the one to manufacture every damn thing customized as per customers' own requirement which involved  whole lot of artists, designers, illustrators who brought their expectations into reality whcih attracted many customers from rich section of the soceity as well as major sellers such as Ikea, Walmart etc. 

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