Chapter 17

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It was not a surprise to see that there were much more appointments today

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It was not a surprise to see that there were much more appointments today. It was Saturday and of course people who worked, or students, or who lived far away made time on weekends to get a health checkup or a follow up. It was a normal day for doctor Jung Hoseok but he remembered he had to meet detective Kim in the evening.

He was going through the file he had worked on for past two years and kept it safe with him, just in case someone needs them and maybe today is the day he can finally bring them to use. He has already met detective Kim once and he seemed to be very passionate towards his work, the oly reason he agreed to meet him. After talking with him if Hoseok feels like he can trust him with this confidential information, only then will he proceed with this.

He remembers that two years ago how detectives tried to shut him off, going to an extent to indirectly threaten him if he tried to blabber nonsense and 'irrelevant' information. He decided not to meddle in the case anymore since it seemed like noone of the detectives were interested in uncovering the truth of the case rather they were focused on solving he case and find an excuse of logic to cover it up. But Namjoon did come to him to warn him to not try and challenge the people in power and he will contact him when the time is right. Seems like it was time to reveal what he kept with him all this time.

By the time it was evening he was almost done with his appointment for the day since he already know his assistant that he had an important matter to attend to. He stood up removing his white coat, grabbing his bag, phone and keys he went off to take a round in Kim Taehyung's room, it was his routine to check on Taehyung whenever he got time. 

After a final check, he update the records on pad kept them inside the file in the drawer and left the room after patting Taehyung's pale lifeless hands. He walked out quietly closing the door, heading towards the cafe he was supposed to meet the detective. 

When he reached down to the cafe took a seat in a secluded part of the cafe. To his relief, there weren't many people in the cafe since many residents do go back home at weekends, only the ones with night shifts stay, some of them might have been sleeping if time allows, meaning there won't be a lot of them here anytime soon. He himself would be leaving soon, as his fiance is already at his apartment for the weekend. He was glad that she was busy working on some thesis making he busy otherwise he would've felt bad to leave her alone all by herself.

He was busy thinking about randome things thatwas happening in his life when someone took a seat infront of him making him snap his head looking up to find a tall man in a casual outfit making him tilt his head and frown.

"Doctor Jung?", to which Hoseok stood up nodding. The person offered a polite smile showing off his dimples extending his hands for a hand shake.

"Kim Namjoon, I am Head Detective of Seoul Precinct, I appreciate your cooperation on this matter", he said taking his seat and gesturing Hoseok to do the same. 

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