Chapter 28

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It was next week after the storm had passed. Jin was getting ready to visit his brother at hospital before getting into work. He changed his working hours for his own convenience, which allowed him to work until late and cover up the hours.

He didn't hear from detective Namjoon since the last time they met at the pub. He remembered he was not that drunk, so he kept the harsh reality he was faced with, to himself. He didn't dare utter a word about it to his parents who, everyday, just prayed for their younger son to wake up miraculously and smile at them. His boxy smile. The precious smile they had been missing for far too long.

He reached the hospital when his phone had a ding letting him know he received a text messgae but he went up to receptionist to check-in as a family visitor on the tablet which was handed over to him by a very familiar staff, which was necessary before entering Taehyung's VIP suite for his safety.

"Morning Carla", he greeted the middle-aged staff who he saw often in morning shift for past couple of years.

"Jin! How are you today?", Carla asked with her usual kind smile on her motherly face.

"Alright, I guess", he gave her a sheepish smile making her smile in sympathy. 

"Dr. Jung is yet to arrive. I will make sure to send him to you as soon as he arrives".

"That's alright. I will be heading out after some time. Please ask him to send me over a time when he is available, I will visit him myself whenever he is free", he assured Carla, who had been here everyday and was quite familiar with the Kim family.

"I'll let him know that", she smiles encouragingly letting Jin go ahead to the elevator.

Jin wanted to visit his brother before he goes to work. His parents don't visit the hospital as often, since they aren't allowed for too long to stay due to risk of infection as Taehyung has been in and out of surgeries for God knows how many times. He was the one who went to visit his brother and talk to his brother on a daily basis, even if it was for a short few minutes. 

He entered the room and heard the very familiar beeps of various machines that were attached with wires and pipes connecting to his brother's body, trying to keep him alive. The smell of disinfectant and medicines invaded his nose, making him take a deep breath. To gather enough courage to face his brother and talk to him. To keep himself from feeling helpless all over again.

He fixed Taehyung's covers and brushed his hairs on his forehead, to take a look at his brother's face. He looked pale. He was stuck in a room with machines attached to him for far too long. He has not seen sunlight for almost two years now. 

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