Chapter 14

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The next two days were bliss for both the boys as they spent all the time together either going out somewhere or cuddling while watching some movies, or talking outside in the balcony about something and everything

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The next two days were bliss for both the boys as they spent all the time together either going out somewhere or cuddling while watching some movies, or talking outside in the balcony about something and everything.

Things were more than good between them, younger agreed to Jungkook's request of going office with him again. And the elder made sure to take care of him, even took him to the meetings, he instructed Carner to not let Ella enter his office in any case and seeing the look of relief on younger's face he realised why younger was bothered about Ella, he was jealous about the close proximity and unnecessary advancements of that woman.

It was a routine to get ready in the morning having breakfast together, going to office spending time together, younger taking his chance to sleep in presence of elder gaining his health back to normal, having night talks under the starry sky cuddled up in the sofa sharing a blanket, though they slep separately if not for their movie nights on weekends.

A month passed in a blur and both of them were content with the sweet moments, they became inseparable in such a short time. Thanking heavens that both of them shared mutual feelings for each other even though none of them had the courage to bring up the topic fearing that unwanted topic might come up ruining the peaceful life they were living.

 it was Sunday night and they were out on the sofa in the balcony watching the stars silently when the younger asked Jungkook about his family.

"I never heard you talking to them on phone or mentioning them even once, I just wanted to know, you don't need to tell me if you are uncomfortable sharing with me", he said assuring when he noticed the lack of response from elder, making Jungkook shake his head instantly in denial.

"Of course not baby, why would I be uncomfortable sharing things with you, it's just that there's not a lot to tell but since you want to hear it, I will tell you", he said taking younger hand in his and subbing soothing circles with his thumb making younger shuffle closed to him.

He shared the story of how his parents separated and now live on their own, though they have come on terms with this setting and are much more happy with their life now.

"So they married someone who was not their soulmate", the boy bluted out. The whole time he was listening to the story, the only though that repeated in his mind was they got separated and were more happy living separately, was this because they were not soulmates, the thought made his stomach churn with an ugly feeling making him squeeze on Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook immediately looked at him noticing the eyes which held insecurity and face showing nervousness, wanting to listen his answer and frightened to listen it at the same time not wanting the reality to slap him in the face. He was lost in the thought realising that Jungkook might as well leave him for his soulmate, he will be so lonely and broken.

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