Chapter 25

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The weather was getting a bit cloudy but this time it was expected that the South Korean peninsula will be hit by a typhoon, again. People are being warned about staying at home for these two days. He received a few warning alerts that Korean government sends over to general public's phone a couple of time. It was ominous, the weather. How dark and terrifying it was even during the midday.

But thankfully, it wasn't going to rain today. There was still a couple of days for the storm to hit.

Jin was worried about things that were happening. It happened so fast. One day he received a call from some random ass detective and now he is waiting to meet him and discuss about his baby brother's case.

He doesn't what will it be this time? They had pulled back their accusations because the text message clearly showed that his baby brother asked for his help and he was too busy to even check his messages. His phone was kept silent for some important meeting he was supposed to attend. It was late in the evening, he was supposed to be out of work. But start ups don't work like that, you don't have definite working hours.

And not here he is, living in the guilt and thinking about what if he was there for his brother, what if he had noticed if his brother was stressed over his studies. A mobius strip of endless possibilities to drown him back into the hell hole he was living in for the past two years.

Taehyung was practically his baby. The age gap between them made him more protective over his brother and he was there for him all the time. Well, except when he really needed Jin. Maybe he wasn't, not really.

Jin reached at the address he was given, only to realise that it was a small pub. He was surprise to see it had VIP section as well. He sensed someone sit on the reserved VIP table. When he looked up, he was met with a young man, too tall, disheveled hair, and dressed casually. 

It was good that he was able to see the person clearly because unlike downstairs, which looked like a typical dingy and worn out old pub with creepy feelings, the VIP section was very civilised to say the least. It wasn't the best but it was alright with good lighting and well same drinks from unknown brands, he guessed.

"Hello, Mr. Kim, I am Kim Namjoon, Head Detective of Seoul Precinct", the man introduced himself, handing out his business card which he accepted and inspected closely.

"Kim Seokjin", he answered in a clipped voice. He was not here to exchange pleasantries with anyone, a detective nonetheless. He disliked their kind.

Their reluctance to investigate the irregularities in his brother's case didn't go unnoticed by him. But he was helpless, so were his parents. But he was not a foolish lad to be deceived by them. All his regretted was he didn't notice anything that was going wrong with his brother and be there when he needed Jin. But Jin also knew very well, that there was much more to the whole story.

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