Chapter 26

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The younger one woke up with a deadly headache which made him feel dizzy and see black spots when he tried to peel open his eyes.

He was struggling to get himself to sit up due to how weak he was feeling. His bones were aching and his body felt agonisingly limp. He felt like his bones were so heavy that he was being pushed down into the bed, his eyelids too heavy as if they were being shut down by placing stones on them.

He wanted to call for Jungkook but it felt like his mouth was shut with a strong adhesive. His throat felt dry and it was too painful to even swallow, he tried but he couldn't.

Was he dreaming? He was not sure. It was the first time he was dreaming but it wasn't vivid images he was seeing but rather this time he was paralyzed with physical pain with nothing in sight and pitch black abyss surrounding him, maybe it was because he was unable to open his eyes, but it felt ominously dark and different.

But then there was a sudden ringing in his ears, so piercing that he wanted to cover his ears, but was helpless to do so himself.

His whole body felt paralysed. His breathing was shallow as he tried to take in as much air as he could but he was unable to breathe the air out, feeling suffocated with all the air filling into his lungs, nausea rolling in waves.

It was just like a flash of light when he was able to open his eyes, partially, only to stare at white something. Was it ceiling? He must have been hallucinating because he could slightly hear people's voices but it sounded like he was under water. The voices were very far away and too muffled to make sense. Was he drowning, but he was still. He was immobile.

Before he could make sense of anything, he woke up in Jungkook's flat. He was confused and disoriented at first not being able to figure out where he was. As if his mind was so messed up that it was unable to process and differentiate dreams from reality. But what was real and what was a dream? He was not sure himself.

He was feeling so weak that he actually felt boneless at this exact moment. He felt the pain and it left him drained of his life, if he had anything called life or energy sustained in his ghost form. He closed his eyes for a few minutes, giving up on trying to understand the situation. He needed to calm himself down before everything. Even if he tried to understand it was impossible.

He suddenly scurried to the bathroom and heaved out all of the contents in his stomach. the queasy feeling getting out of his system. It was as if his body was detoxing itself from the nightmare and he felt much better after getting everything out.

My Fluffball GhostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora