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Conner asks, "So the Joker just killed him?"

"Mmm-hmm," Kory answers. "Sounds like Jason went after him, the same way he went after Deathstroke. Alone and unprepared. I'm so angry."

"At the Joker."

"No, at Jason."

Gar looks up, "Jason? Why?"

"Because he never learned. When Jason left the Titans to go to Gotham, he was alone and angry, and I get that, but... Dick was hoping he figured things out with Bruce, but he never did. He clearly just kept making the same mistakes over and over, and it finally got him killed. Jason never evolved. He never grew past his own worst instincts. Don't let that happen to you. Keep learning. Keep growing."

She sighs and walks away, "First, Donna, now Jason. I'm sick of losing people."

She pulled out her phone and tried Cassie one more time, her nor Dick had been able to get ahold of her. She didn't know about Jason, at least they thought she didn't know.

Cassie gasped and looked up, she was in a dark room, surrounded by mirrors. Her hands were wet, she looked down at them, they were covered in blood. She was in a shallow pool of blood. She quickly stood and looked for a way out, but there was nothing. No exits, no windows, nothing. Just her feet covered in warm, sticky blood, and wall-to-wall mirrors. Her own scared face staring back at her a million times over.

She walked up to the first one, and gently knocked on it, testing to see if it sounded hollow or not. She figured she could try and break through it if it was.

But when her hand knocked on the glass, it rippled. Her reflection morphed into her family, all at breakfast together.

The image was weird and slightly distorted, but Cassie could clearly see who was at the table, it had Bruce at the head, sitting next to Diana and Clark, Donna sitting next to Diana and Garth. With Kory sitting next to Gar and Rachel, Conner and Krypto on the opposite side of them, a spot open for Cassie next to Clark and Dick on the opposite side too. Then she saw Hank, Dawn, Jason, Rose, and Barbara. Her family, all at the same table, laughed and enjoyed breakfast. She watched as Alfred was moving around the table making sure there was enough food for everyone.

She took a breath in, she'd seen this before. But this time it had grown, just like her family had grown since last time.

The mirror Cassie- instead of trying to join her family- smirked and walked away, holding up a remote with a button on it. Mirror Cassie pressed the button and her family had a bomb dropped on them. Just like before, but this time she caused it. She killed her family.

"No no no," she stepped backward, tripping over her own feet, falling back into the blood, which had started to rise. 

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