Ep 2: Dragon eye of the beholder, Part 2

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Ship graveyard - The reaper

(We see hicca, astrid, fishlegs, snotlout and the twins stuck in a cage in the sinking reaper)

Fishlegs: Get us out of here!

(The gang continue to scream)

Snotlout: Y/n!

Ruff: Get us out of here!

(Dagur is laughing)

Dagur: Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?

(You decide to save your friends and zoom off on bahamut to the reaper)

Dagur: Hmm. Disappointing, but oh, so-typically Y/n.

Gang: Get us out of here! Y/n, help!

(You and bahamut land on the deck)

Y/n: Move back from the door! Bahamut, plasma blast.

(Bahamut blasts the door of the cage, but leaves it without a single scratch)

Fishlegs: Dragon-proof bars?! Oh, fascinating.

Hicca: Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing.

(The ship rocks to a side, tossing snotlout onto Fishlegs)

Snotlout: Whoa! 

(The ship rocks to the other side, tossing Fishlegs onto snotlout)

Snotlout: Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!

Y/n: Bahamut, now! 

(Bahamut fires two more shots, but to no avail)

Y/n: We need more firepower. Guys, dragon calls!

(The gang begins calling their dragons. Then Giant eels emerge, hissing and squirming towards you all)

Snotlout: Why'd it have to be EELS?! 

(Bahamut fires more shots at the eels)

Y/n: Come on! Aah!

(A giant ell grabs you leg)

Y/n: Bahamut! 

(Bahamut fires at the eel, freeing you)

Y/n: Thanks, bud.

(You take out your sword and try to open the cage by force)

Snotlout: Uhh! Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!

Astrid: Stormfly!

Hicca: Toothless!

Ruff: Barf, belch, get your butts over here!

(You are now clinging onto the cage for your life on the now-vertical ship)

Y/n: Uhh. Bahamut help would be appreciated.

(Bahamut is snarling and gets ready to blast before realizing that he used up his shots. He roars to call the other dragons. Then the other dragons arrive)

Gang: Ahhhh!

(The cage's door opens and they fall out of it, clinging onto you)

Tuff: That was great. Ahhh! No! Aah!

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