Ep 23: Enemy of My Enemy

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Dragon's Edge

(Early in the morning at the stables Bahamut is grunting as he is wearing his armor. He shakes his body and the armor goes flying everywhere)

Y/n: C'mon Bahamut! You need to work with me here.

(Y/n and Bahamut walk towards the exit of the stables quietly)

Y/n: Shhh! We're almost out of there so... Bahamut... just...

(They exit and see Hicca and Astrid glaring at Y/n)

Y/n: Oh! Astrid! Hicca! Hey. So, what brings you here so early in the morning? going for a test flight with Stormfly and Toothless? Yeah, well, same here with Bahamut.

Astrid: I don't believe this!

Hicca: You're going for a recon flight, alone!

Astrid: With no support, no cover, we talked about this!

Y/n: I know, I just didn't wanna awake anybody, it's no big deal, really.

Hicca: Yes, it is, Y/n! It's way too risky.

Astrid: Y/n, he's not out there! It's been months since the Viggo's...

Y/n: Fiasco?

Astrid: I was going to say episode. You have to stop this.

Hicca: You're just gonna end up wearing yourself to the ground looking for this guy who doesn't want be found.

Y/n: I'm fine you two, really. Besides, maybe Viggo isn't out there, but his hunters are. If I can find one to question...

Astrid: They won't tell you a thing.

Y/n: You don't know that.

Hicca: If you're going, at least let us go with you.

Astrid: It's better than nothing. And it will put our minds at ease.

Y/n: Fine.

(Hicca and Astrid goes for Stormfly and Toothless)

Y/n: Okay Bahamut, it's now or never.

(Y/n appraoches Bahamut with the armor but he blasts them away)

-----Time Skip-----

(Bahamut and Y/n are flying away from the edge)

Y/n: When Hicca and Astrid finds out that you're not wearing your armor, I am not covering for you. But, with all that armor on, would we be able to do this?

(Y/n and Bahamut fly through the clouds at high speeds)

Y/n: Man, this is awesome!

(Bahamut flips around and flies in the ocean)

Y/n: I owe you one.

(Bahamut laughs at him. Then Y/n sees a dragon hunter ship below them near an island)

Y/n: There you are! Hey bud, let's get in closer!

(They fly closer to the ship and see that the hunters are unconscious and they land on the ship)

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