Ep 6: Reign of Fireworms

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Dragon's edge

(Fishlegs and meatlug are searching through the shrubbery and the trees for night terrors)

Fishelgs:  Okay, that's 542, 43... Oh, there's one hiding under that tree trunk!

(A Night terror squeals at him)

Fishlegs: I see you, little guy. You're 544. Isn't this exciting, girl? The first annual Dragon's Edge census. Once we get all these night terrors counted, we move on to the gronckles. Ha ha! Maybe you'll make some new friends.

(They land and continue counting)

Fishlegs: Okay, there's a big flock.

(All Terrors are squealing)

Fishlegs: 575, 576...

(Then a fireworm falls on fishlegs paper)

Fishlegs: Oh, hello.

(It burns the paper. Startling fishlegs)

Fishlegs: What is a fireworm doing this far out? They aren't supposed to be anywhere near our island. Eh, it could have lost its way. Now where were we, meatlug?

(He takes out a new paper)

Fishlegs: Was it 576, or was it 675?

(Fireworm lands on a bush and lights it on fire)

Fishlegs: Whoa! Whoa, whoa.

(He uses his paper to put out the fire. Then the paper lights up)

Fishlegs: Whew. Whoa!

(Fishlegs, you and the others are flying above a lit forest)

Fishlegs: It began with one Fireworm, and as we were flying back, we kept seeing more and more.

Astrid: Do you think they're migrating?

Hicca: If they were migrating, the whole island would be on fire.

Fishlegs: Not necessarily.

Snotlout: Here we go!

Fishlegs: When Fireworms migrate, they send out scouts to see if their migration route is safe. If this is a stop along that route...

Astrid: An entire flock of Fireworms could be coming through here.

Tuff: Well, I say bring 'em on! I love those little scorchers.

Y/n: Are you still gonna love them when they all land here and burn our entire island to the ground?

Tuff: Yes! Wait, no. Wait, is that a trick question? Because it's pretty tricky.

Astrid: Fishlegs, how much time do we have?

Fishlegs: Uh, it's hard to say. If it's a full migration, the rest of them could be here as soon as next week.

Snotlout: Huh, Good to know. It's been nice knowing you, island. Snotlout is outlout!

(Snotlout begins to fly away)

Y/n: We're not abandoning the island, Snotlout.

Snotlout: Uh, yeah, we are. Watch.

(You fly in front of him)

Y/n: Guys, we put too much hard work into this place to just leave. Snotlout is not "outlout". We're staying. Now let's get to work.

Snotlout: Fine! But I still like my plan better.


Y/n: Okay, Astrid, hicca, you two and Fishlegs filled the watering troughs, right?

Hicca: Yep! Topped off all the barrels too.

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