Bad Timing.

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She'd taken a shower so Matt couldn't smell the gunpowder on her, then she grabbed one of his old shirts and sat in the living room to wait for him. She got up at least five times. Cat texted Harley to let him know she was back but he hadn't replied, he was busy trying to get an internship at Stark Industries. 

Nightcrawler had moved to New Asgard where he could look like himself, he was still rather loyal to religion, and he'd told her that he prayed for her every night. For Cat that didn't hold meaning, it was her doing all the heavy lifting, and as time went by, said weight was getting heavier and heavier.

Cat's relationship was now in its fourth month of life, and it was a serious deal, but at the same time, they couldn't make it go anywhere. Matt and she spent the first two months together, but then Yelena called with jobs for her, and some would take weeks. The last one had taken half a month from her life.

Cat was exhausted, she either had too much time or none at all, she tried to remember if she'd ever had a moment of peace but her memory was short-termed and continuously lying to her. Nonetheless, she was set on telling Matthew everything. 

This was the turning point of their story, or so she felt. He'd introduced her to his friends on Valentine's day, and she'd felt extremely out of place. They were older, talked about college and work, and had inside jokes, she was starving for little things, the details that made a person real.

Cat had spent most of her life with older people, the only friends her age she had were a religious mutant, the next Tony Stark, and a trained assassin, so she lacked experience when it came to interacting with normal people altogether.

The young woman went to the kitchen, she was sick to death of alcohol, and she would avoid it like the plague, which was complicated since Matthew loved hanging out at Josie's. She couldn't remember feeling that way about any other beverage. Her inner voice went 'I used to drink milkshakes all the time at—' but she stopped in confusion, she would rarely drink that during her youth, if not ever. 

The blender drowned the steps and the squeak of a door as Daredevil entered his apartment. He walked until he was behind her. She moved sideways to look for a cup, Matthew waited in silence until she finished. 

"You better be my boyfriend, 'cause if you're not, you'll die in an embarrassing way," Cat lifted the cup and drank without turning. 

Matthew's smile emerged under the mask. "You're back."

She placed her drink on the counter and grabbed another cup for him. "You're late."

"I didn't know you'd be here," he made his way to the little table.  "When did you get here?"

"An hour ago," but she wasn't sure that was right. "Or so."

"I'm curious," he continued once she handed him the drink. "How were you planning to kill the intruder?"

"The blender. It's a big one so it can kill a person if I throw it hard enough."

"Well, coming back to a dead person in my house isn't my idea of a warm welcome."

"I guess not, but I—" she realized Matthew was in his Daredevil suit. "Hey, can you take that off? The way your mask stares right through me is disturbing."

"Sure, but I warn you," he seized the mask and pulled it off, he had a bruise on his cheek and dry blood on his nose. "I'll see right through you either way."

Cat scowled. "You're hurt!"

He seemed surprised. "Am I?"

She took the mask from him and examined it briefly, it was so worn out the material was falling apart. She tilted his face up. "Where were you tonight?"

Copycat: Cryptomnesia -(Marvel Fem!OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu