Something Else.

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"We should call him."

Cat stopped eating and looked at Kurt. She cleaned her mouth with the back of her hand. "I thought Harley was clear when he said not to call him?"

"I'm not talking about Harley," Kurt placed his sunglasses at the top of his head. "Maybe the problem's that you've never had a long-term relationship, maybe you're just freaking out because you have commitment issues."

"What are we?" She asked in bewilderment.

"I'm talking the romantic type. You slept with half the universe while we were guardians but never fell in love," he pouted. "Maybe you need some smooches?"

"Why don't you test it out?" She replied in a low, irritated tone.

"See? You're like a feral cat. You like a few pats on the butt, but the moment someone tries to get closer you show your claws. Which reminds me, why are you still looking like that?"

Cat looked down at her hands. "Like what?"

"Brunette," Kurt said with disgust. "You don't have to be normal here."

Cat tilted her head. "Guess you're right. I forget how I look unless someone points it out or I see myself in the mirror— which believe it or not, isn't that often."

She shifted: her hair remained brown, the same length, barely brushing her shoulders. Her eyes turned purple with the unnerving slitted pupils. 

"That it?"

"If you have an issue with my looks that's your problem," she frowned.

"I thought you would look... more mutant."

"I'm weird enough, thank you."

"Right," she wasn't sure, but it looked like Kurt had rolled his eyes. "Back to your love-starved situation—"

"I don't think that's the problem, Smurf. I think it's my lack of purpose."

"Love is a purpose!"

"Not to me."

"What about Pietro and Wanda? And me?"

"We were talking about romantic love," she pointed at him with her chopsticks. "Romance has never been a motive for me, but I had a purpose when the Avengers were still a thing."

"The Avengers are a thing."

"But I'm not one of them," she laughed. "And it's not the same now, none of them are my friends."

"Maybe you could round them up and start over," he offered. "You're the only one that's been around long enough to know how things should be, and you're young, your time as an Avenger could be long if you wanted. You can always make more super-friends."

Cat pondered his idea, eating another handful of noodles. "If I could lead a team, my first rule would be no teens allowed. People that start early end up all messed up like me."

"You're the only one that's ended up this way."

"What about Wanda?"

"What about Pietro?"

Cat gave him a perplexed look. "He's dead!"

Kurt grimaced. "Okay, you got me."

She pushed her plate away. "Even if I could, I don't think I'd go back. Being a hero... demands a lot. I can't be bothered."

"If you don't think it's appealing, we can try something else," Kurt shrugged.

What could be that "something else", Cat still didn't know. She was starting to fear never finding anything that could give her fulfillment. Rough nights were ahead, and she had no idea where to start. Worse yet, Kurt was talking as if they were a unit, and they were not. They couldn't be unless she wanted to drag him to the pit where she was currently drowning.

Copycat: Cryptomnesia -(Marvel Fem!OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt