Not A Happy Ending.

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Sergei opened the door and natural light invaded the space. Cat no longer had tape over her mouth, but she didn't feel like talking anyway.

"Time to work," the man announced. 

He got her out of the car and walked her all the way back to the apartment. There he explained how the situation would work from then on: The collar would keep her "normal" except on the days she was instructed to kill, she'd be able to use her abilities, but if she tried to break free, the collar would blow her up and everything around her. 

"You have two nights to find Spider-man. We're watching you, beast," he reminded her.

He left her and Cat sat down on her couch with heavy air. Half an hour later someone stormed into the apartment. Cat got up and searched for her spear but she didn't have it, she looked at the entrance with wide eyes. It was Kate.

"Oh my god," she looked at the mutant in horror, Cat had blood on her forehead and a black eye. "Oh my god—!"

Cat's eyes were still on the archer but her mind was still on Billy's speech. She looked out the closest window, without her powers, she couldn't hear or see anything with clarity so she couldn't tell if someone was watching this. She was frightened.

"What did they—"

Cat shook her head frantically, stumbled across the room, and grabbed Kate.

"You can't be here," she said hoarsely, forcing her out of her house

"Who was that—"


She pushed Kate out of the apartment and slammed the door close. She stood with both hands on it as if fearing Kate would try to kick it down.

"What's that on your neck?" Kate insisted, she sounded on the verge of tears. "What's going on?"

"He's got us," Cat felt her throat closing. "He'll kill him if you stay, please..."


"You can't help me!" She cried out. "He sent me here so I had to lock myself away! Go! He wants you to stay!"

Kate leaned on the door. "Don't let them win— please, open the door..."

"You p-promised," Cat swallowed, but the lump refused to go away. "You promised you'd step back—"

"Not like this! Please, open the door!"

Cat closed her eyes, her nails —entirely human— dug onto the surface. "Go away."


"They'll make me kill you," she confessed. "Hide."

"No..." Kate sobbed quietly.

Cat thought very hard. "I'll follow Clint's advise... the best shot he took, remember?"


"Pests must be eliminated," she pressed. "It's what I told Harley. I must do this. It's what I deserve."

"O-okay," Kate replied, catching up on what Cat was trying to tell her. "Harley. Okay."

"He's right— he's always been right and he has to stop me. He needs to hide Edith and lock the doors."

Kate's steps hurried out of the hall, and Cat fell to her knees shaking, but this time it was more than fear. She had a new plan, and one chance to do it.


Cat used the security card Happy had given her months ago, she used the emergency stairs but no one stopped her, she might've lost her powers, but she still knew how to be sneaky.

Copycat: Cryptomnesia -(Marvel Fem!OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant