Silver Lining.

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Uncomplicated plans were every bad guy's Achilles heel. Arrogance made them think no one would ever try to lie to them so shamelessly, but unfortunately for them, Cat had no sense of shame.

She didn't hear from Spidey in a while, but he'd agreed to contact Kate and ask for help. The archer's sudden disappearance was interpreted as her attempt to hide from Copycat so she didn't kill her, so Russo wanted her to kill Harley Keener instead. 

She didn't know what she'd do, and she was getting more and more worried, Kurt's state worsened as time passed by, he couldn't even hold himself up in a sitting position. Then, almost as a miracle, Sergei announced Kate had been spotted in Tibet, and she had to go after her. Cat's inhibitor got deactivated, she had three days to get everything done.

Cat tried to call Spider-man with the old beeper. It seemed that the guy's theory was correct because the artifact turned on for only a second before dying completely.

"Great," she huffed.

Someone knocked on her bedroom window, it was him.

"Webs!" She let him in, quickly pulling him away from view. "Just in time! They found her!"

"She called me," Felix crawled out from under Cat's bed and purred against him. They weren't sure the cat could remember him, Felix had always been nice to strangers. "Kate thinks she knows where Wanda is, but I don't know how we'll find her—"

She put on his wrist the old smartwatch Tony had given her. "We'll talk about that later. Right now you have to go stealth. If Spider-man's seen they'll know I lied and they'll kill my friends."

Her black suit covered him, he looked weird, then she couldn't see him at all.

"Did Kate tell you where she is?"


"Let's go, then."


Cat knocked on the door and Kate immediately opened it, she tried to hug her but she didn't know Spider-man was in the way and they crashed against each other.

"My bad, my bad—!" Kate coughed. " Is that Copycat's suit? Why are you in stealth?"

"He's dead," Cat explained as she stepped inside and pushed her sunglasses up.

Kate smiled at her. "I'm so glad to know you're okay."

Kate tried to hug her again, but Cat hissed to scare her off. She pointed at her collar. "They send me friendly reminders every five minutes."

Kate glared at the inhibitor. "I wanna hurt them."

"Let's find Wanda first. You can turn that off, bugboy."

Spider-man's suit showed up, but he didn't take off the watch. "Hi, Kate!"

"Hi," Kate looked at Cat with a giddy expression. "I'm friends with Spider-man."

"Everyone's friends with Spider-man, guy's like a golden retriever," she teased.

"So they haven't scorched out your sense of humor," he replied with a scoff.

Cat turned to Kate. "What do we know about Wanda?"

"Strange told me Wanda died and it was best not to look into it, then I told him you wanted to see her because she was like a sister to you— Spidey said not to freak out the others by telling them you were in danger— "

"I don't think they care and if they did, they'd help Russo kill me."

"Don't joke like that," Spider-man scolded her.

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