Patching Up.

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"You know, I gotta be really honest with you, girls..."

The three of them were at the back of an ambulance, this was the first time they spoke after Kate told them she'd handed her own mother to the police.

"It doesn't happen too often, but every once in a while, you come across somebody that just makes you better in every way... And that Missy, boy— she just outdid herself with the suit, right? The elasticity in this fabric..."

Kate laughed. "Okay, you can stop..."

"I know tonight was a lot," he continued, "you took on Kingpin all by yourselves— and you got him arrested. Not many people walk away from somethin' like that... And I'm so proud of you."

Kate squeezed his hand. "Thank you."

"I honestly wasn't that good, I..." Kate was looking at her, and she stopped before saying the self-deprecating comment. "I'm glad I could be of help. Your family needs you, Clint."

He looked between them with a little smile, realizing what'd happened. "You know what? We gotta walk that dog."

"Yeah, we do," Kate stood. "Let me make sure Jack's okay— I mean I'm sure he will be, he has a penthouse but..."

"We'll wait here," Cat assured her.

Her eyes stayed on the girl until she felt Clint's. "Argh, just spit it out. I can't stand you when you get cheeky."

"You don't like it when others have ways to mess with you," he smirked. "You are a flirt."

"My heart has plenty of room and people keep begging to get some, who am I to deny them?" She innocently.

Clint shook his head. "Kate's not your regular superhero. She's just a girl with a cool suit."


"You know what I mean."

Cat looked around at the mess they'd caused, she smiled, lost in thought.

"Steve said something to me when he came back old... never forget that you had a family... I thought he was telling me that I had to honor them, but he was telling me that no matter what, I'll always have them in me."

"Yeah, that sounds like him," Clint sighed heavily. "Been a rough couple of years for ya, huh? But that look on your face..."

She pushed him playfully. "Don't get sappy, we're not that close."

"You're not fooling anyone," he chuckled. "We've always been buddies..."

Cat's eyes found Kate again, she was telling Jack goodbye, and the moment he left she looked terribly lonely.

"Hey, considering we crashed the Bishop's party... don't you think she should have the chance to crash yours?"


Barton's family treated her like she was one of them. They knew her name and knew what she liked to eat and not to use flash when taking pictures, the children had really good memories.

She got a text from Harley and Happy, both spending the Holidays with their respective loved ones (Happy was with Morgan and Pepper). Kurt sent her a picture from New Asgard: he was in the middle of a large table surrounded by different beings, and King Valkyrie was at the end with a charming smirk.

Cat walked out of the house staring at Matthew's contact. They hadn't talked in months, but she wasn't well-versed in break-up etiquette, and she didn't know what to do. Cat regretted the way things ended, she wanted to make sure he was okay.

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